arch structure

 From:  andras
Hello! What about this idea?
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 From:  andras
2938.2 In reply to 2938.1 
or should I go away? :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2938.3 In reply to 2938.1 
Hi andras, that's an interesting idea!

Kind of similar in some ways to SketchUp's "components" mechanism.

But the system that you show there with all kinds of "vars" would probably be kind of restricted to a smaller number of predefined objects that had been basically programmed/scripted to work off those number inputs.

Systems like that become really easy to work with those predefined objects, but then what happens when you want to make your own custom object?

MoI is kind of overall more focused on being able to more freely create shapes rather than being kind of "locked in" to only working with assembling a small set of predefined shapes.

So that's why what you show there is kind of not quite aligned with the overall structure of MoI, at least not currently.

I do want to extend history in the future though, which may help to give some similar functionality to what you are showing there. But I'd like to do it in a more generic way where the "wall" for example does not have to come from a specifically coded script but instead just remembers a sequence of modeling commands that you used to build it. That would make it easier for people to make custom shapes without being dependent on a script programmer to create such things for them...

- Michael
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 From:  andras
2938.4 In reply to 2938.3 
<Systems like that become really easy to work with those predefined objects, but then what happens when you want to make your own custom object?

MoI is kind of overall more focused on being able to more freely create shapes rather than being kind of "locked in" to only working with assembling a small set of predefined shapes.>

Of course. This structure would speak about custom object. Definitely. Namely first part of image speak about custom objects and the second one (with wall image) speak about predefined as traditional vertical walls. But with this relatively complicated scripting structure method (who can make script is easy but currently not for me currently :D but I have to know) we can make custom and predefined shapes too. Two in one. I think a free way to any designer.

But this is so complicated to define what does "predefined" and "custom" mean. Custom means hand made? Predefined means scripted?
But predefined can be as custom as well: this is a very nice site about digital skyscaper schemes Sometimes the scripted is much better and easier then hand made. But we have to consider those are digital plans and not for traditional markets :).

I do want to extend history in the future though, which may help to give some similar functionality to what you are showing there. But I'd like to do it in a more generic way where the "wall" for example does not have to come from a specifically coded script but instead just remembers a sequence of modeling commands that you used to build it. That would make it easier for people to make custom shapes without being dependent on a script programmer to create such things for them...

Oh. It is good news. :) I have already understood

except ... If I make building structure for example an shape (or anything) after that how can I modify the shape.
For example. I create a surface shell structure as free form wall than I put some window into that but I want to modify the shape. I understand that the history resolve but Can "history" work with script generated shapes as well? I dont know.

Anyway sorry just I want to understand I would have liked to help. there is a lot of useless 3d application for architects (except revit and bentley but those are not perfect as well).

EDITED: 23 Sep 2009 by ANDRAS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2938.5 In reply to 2938.4 
Hi andras,

> But this is so complicated to define what does
> "predefined" and "custom" mean.

Well, by "predefined" I mean an object that has been fixed to only be one specific shape, like for example a door that is fixed to be only a 4-sided rectangular shape.

In your example when you talk about a "door" or "window" script, the script would be for making just one specific kind of door or window.

When I say "custom" I mean something that is more freely drawn by assembling any number of curve segments or patterns, without it being restricted to only one set shape.

MoI is somewhat more focused on freely drawing things and not currently so much on assembling some predefined shapes which is more what the example you posted is showing.

That doesn't mean what you are showing was not useful - it can certainly gain a lot of speed to assemble pieces like that if all the pieces are in the shapes that you want. But that comes at a price of not having a lot of flexibility.

Aren't there already many architectural modeling programs out there that work with a library of template shapes like that already though?

> except ... If I make building structure for example an shape
> (or anything) after that how can I modify the shape.

Well, I still need to do a lot of work and planning before I would know the exact answer to that question! :)

But I would hope to have a kind of "history view" on a selected object that showed an entry for each action that was used to build it, and have some controls that would let you alter parameters and show construction curves to edit them, stuff like that.

- Michael
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 From:  rhodesy
2938.6 In reply to 2938.5 
"But I would hope to have a kind of "history view" on a selected object that showed an entry for each action that was used to build it, and have some controls that would let you alter parameters and show construction curves to edit them, stuff like that."

That sounds like the holy grail there Michael! It would be great if you could achieve that in the typical MOI simplicity style! Good luck!
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