Procedural geometry in MoI (WIP)
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 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
A couple more tests...

Cubic Fur:

Stars and Stripes Forever:

- Dave Morrill

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 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
This one's a torture test, a 100 x 100 x 100 grid of points (1,000,000 total). MoI working set size of 662MB...

And here we go, diving into the matrix...

- Dave Morrill

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Now that is "VOXELS" ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
Procedural seaweed?

- Dave Morrill

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
2922.35 In reply to 2922.16 
RE: Hammered Finish

> It would, but it might require a lot of analytic math to correctly position the "hammer" before each "blow". I haven't delved into every nook and cranny of the Javascript API yet enough to know if those kinds of interfaces are being exposed in the API. If not, then a PhD in Math is going to come in might handy in addition to some Javascript programming chops ;-)

Because the indentation is very slight, the hammer (for all practical purposes) is a large sphere. So orientation is not an issue. If you can randomly intersect a small portion of a sphere with a solid (the ring) and boolean diff, it may give the desired result.

If you want to experiment, try making a hammered finish on a flat solid. As long as there is some overlap in the random pattern, it may work.

I enjoy seeing the results of your experiments.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Maybe you must see at this ;)
a very cool free procedural prog
for take formula ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Ralf-S
Dave, that is very interesting and impressive!

Please take a look, maybe a suggestion:

(I started here in the office recreate the "Hardware",
but my wife wanted to call the ambulance before...:lol:)
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 From:  tyglik
Add: fractal shapes

I am really impressed how quickly MoI handles this script. It can't compare with RhinoScript at all. -Petr

edit: aha... I see it now. MoI seems not to redraw viewport until finishing the script when loading script from "scripts" directory. When I put the script into the "commands" one it starts being slow as well as RhinoScript because it redraws screen immediately after adding each point...

EDITED: 8 Oct 2009 by TYGLIK

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2922.39 In reply to 2922.38 
How do you use this script inside Moi ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  tyglik
2922.40 In reply to 2922.39 
Hi Pilou, it is regular MoI's script - just close MoI, put the script into the scripts or commands directory, run MoI and type <Tab>fern<Enter>.... and wait :) -Petr
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2922.41 In reply to 2922.40 
Thx! Super! I willl try that!
But now use the points? ;)

EDITED: 8 Oct 2009 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2922.42 In reply to 2922.38 
Hi Petr, that's a cool one!

You might be able to get some better behavior when run as a command if you kind of batch up the points in an array and then have a tighter loop at the end that just pumps out points.

The main difference between running as a command versus an instant script, is that the command version runs in a separate thread and so does not block the main program thread while it is running. So that allows for things like the window to redraw while the script is running instead of making the window appear to be locked up until the script is finished.

In v3 I think I'll probably try to set up some alternate geometry creation methods for simple objects, stuff like geometryDatabase.addPoints(); , stuff like that so you won't have to go through factories for creating some basic types of things.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2922.43 In reply to 2922.42 
Yes you can rotate the model during the process! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Dymaxion
2922.44 In reply to 2922.42 
Definite vote in favor of simplifying procedural geometry creation!

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 From:  BurrMan
2922.45 In reply to 2922.44 
Very cool. And in MoI V4.....Point Cloud Toolset!
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 From:  andras
Hello guys!

Where could I learn more about procedural geometries and fractals etc. from? are there some books for it ?
sin cos ln... those very ancient concepts :) from college... :D

I have searched on Amazon ... I wrote: "fractal java" and finally I got a lots book...any idea which could be the more proper?

EDITED: 20 Oct 2009 by ANDRAS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2922.47 In reply to 2922.46 
Hi andras,

> Where could I learn more about procedural geometries and
> fractals etc. from? are there some books for it ?

Well, one of the original ones is "The Fractal Geometry of Nature" by Benoit Mandelbrot, but that may be somewhat heavier in math orientation.

But that's probably a good place to start on Amazon and then look on that page for related books or recommendations.

Another good one to check out is "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants" by by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer. Also see:

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Funny I found today a prog (free) chaospro

there is on the site all progs about that !

Take a look at the Mechanical Gallery ;)

For real time exploration! Xaos free (increase the zooming speed to 5 ;)

The more funny and easy and gratifiant is Chaoscope ;) (free)
F3 Start (Press any time you want for a new random parameters)
F4 Calculate
Esc Stop
I don't resist to make another one at each time I name it :D

EDITED: 20 Oct 2009 by PILOU


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