WIP the lock
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 From:  jbshorty
nice clean concept, crydee :) Which render engine did you use? i hope you don't mind a bit of constructive criticism how i think it can be improved...

1) The tone looks washed out and a bit flat, a common effect of HDRI light. Try lowering the white level to get a little "blowout" on the chrome reflections. And try raising the black level to get some small areas where it remains completely black...

2) Maybe use only one GI bounce to avoid washing out...

3) The logo seems "tacked on". Perhaps give it a little bump so it looks engraved or embossed on the lock body... Also it seems tacked on because both locks don't have the logo. You should add the logo to the second lock as well... Also the logo color should not be pure white. Maybe some color "almost white" is more realistic...

4) By the look of the image, I will guess you used Modo? There is some noise on the floor which could easily be fixed by increasing the Irradiance Rate so it skips over more pixels when doing the first stage of sampling...

5) Add a big gentle noise to the lock shaders to give it some random bump, so it won't be so "perfect". Also try some blurry reflection and extra small noise bump in the lock shackle...

just my thoughts. overall i like the image, color palette, etc... i just think it needs a little push. you can disregard my comments if you prefer :)

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 From:  crydee
i used 3ds max to render. it was only a quick shot but thanks for your help. You gave me some good points to work on it. And i' don't disagree you at all :)
Stay tuned.
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 From:  jbshorty
2919.6 In reply to 2919.3 
"Something interesting will be to know what is the guy or the girl who has firt drawn the @ ;)
royalties must be pharaonic :) "

If they worked for the pharaoh, they received only the gift of living one more day! :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2919.7 In reply to 2919.1 
Hi crydee, it's a great result! That is really cool that you are able to cook up a web graphic directly as you need it.

But yeah maybe making the chrome part somewhat brighter would be a good tuneup, it is somewhat grayish feeling.. But that does match the overall tone of the image currently as well though.

It still looks quite good just as-is though, I think. Certainly it conveys "lock".

- Michael
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 From:  crydee
2919.8 In reply to 2919.7 
thanks to all comments. I changed a little bit the design and engraved the label. This is another rendertest. It's still blotchy but I know now what I have to change a good result. But it will be increasing my rendertime so much. If my computer has a little "sparetime" I start to render the final shot. And yes I need some scratches to get a used look...


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2919.9 In reply to 2919.8 
Hi crydee, I think that's an improvement. Much more vibrant and lock pops out more from the background.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Yup, that looks better :)
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