question for the future
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 From:  Joe (NOGUCHI)
2913.14 In reply to 2913.13 
Hey everybody: don't forget even very dated copies of Rhino will handle 2d format generation. (dxf, dwg, etc.) and file handling stuff not available (yet) in MOI.

MOI excels as a 3d/2d drawing environment, I no longer even try to model in rhino- but it's a good tool to have around to handle .3dm files for various output and conversion duties.

note about 2d- I think that for technical drawing and illustration using MOI 2d is amazing, MOI is a perfect blend of CAD and Illustrator. It's snap friendly and support geometric entry like CAD, but understands booleans and paths like illustrator. A closed, joined path in MOI imports perfect into Illustrator, is there any drawing task this interface doesn't handle better?
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