Fillet Problem
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 From:  BurrMan
2872.15 In reply to 2872.14 
In the first file, Notice the "Seam Edge" of the sphere is in line with the seam edge of the other object. I would bet that if that seam edge was rotated out of the edge of the other object before the boolean subtract, the fillet would be fine.

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 From:  BurrMan
2872.16 In reply to 2872.15 
For # 4, try select the "Face of the sphere shape and choose a .0669 fillet. THis works in V2.

[EDIT] .0866 works here too. I had Contsant distance set as an option. [EDIT]

EDITED: 27 Aug 2009 by BURRMAN

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 From:  NightCabbage
Ah, I think I've figured out why #4 won't fillet...

Fillet only works if it can perform the fillet on all edges / surfaces.

If you choose a number that would make the fillet overlep an edge or surface, it will not fillet.

So because you have previously filleted the little box shape next to the sphere, those little fillet surfaces (which are very small) are limiting your fillet so that it fits within that surface.
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 From:  BurrMan
2872.18 In reply to 2872.17 
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 From:  eddi
Hi NightCabbage,
MoiV2 have more options than v1.
Example you can not test option ConstDist in fillet or merge command
I send another file, here you can see exactly one problem.(normal edge near profil edge)
In a complex model is profile edge a strong restriction for using fillet.

filletbu1 ---> nothing work
filletbu2 ---> nothing work with option "ConstDist" radius 2, radius 1 or 3 work, why ???
filletbu3 ---> radius 5, left edge work, reight not
filletbu4 ---> nothing work with option "ConstDist" radius 0,9 and greater
filletbu5 ---> nothing work with option "ConstDist"
filletbu5 and MergeB calculate not correctly with "MergeCommand"


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2872.20 In reply to 2872.19 
Hi Eddi, sorry I did not realize that you were talking mostly about constant distance filleting.

Yes I did notice when enabling it, that constant distance filleting seemed to be more sensitive than the regular method and failed in more cases.

I had thought about possibly not including it because of that, but it seemed like it still could be useful.

Do you think it would be better if I removed the constant distance option entirely rather than having it in its current state?

That's pretty much the choice I have right now - the stuff for filleting comes from the geometry library that I use and isn't code that I wrote directly myself, so generally I need to wait for updates from the company who makes that geometry library to get improvements in this area.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2872.21 In reply to 2872.19 
Hi eddi,

We've probably all come across these types of limitations, not only with MoI, it happens in all software, even in cad software that costs 10's of thousands of dollars, I know this from experience and to purchase something for a fraction of the cost of the medium to high end stuff and tell your self why haven't these over priced over bloated modeling software, developed by an army, adapted simple but powerful methods like MoI has.

The thing is when you discover these limitations you plan and work around them until the limitations have been addressed and fixed, the more you use the software the more ways you find to do a particular thing, and when you've established that it becomes easier to find a work around for most limitations.

I've attached your files with all the things that you wanted to achieve with constant fillet by just moving those seems around, so as I was explaining above, now that we know the seams aren't fillet friendly, we simply avoid them, before we commit to a boolean operation we just have to think a few steps ahead and think will the seam get in the way.
What I figured with the 'Merge' command is that if you try an merge multiple sections of segmented edges it screws up the spherical surfaces, but if you do a section at a time it works fine, so you merge the segmented edges of one sphere section at a time.

Until the filleting in the geometry library is further developed to be more robust these are the methods we have to employ.


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 From:  eddi
>>Do you think it would be better if I removed the constant distance option entirely rather than having it in its current state?

hehehe ---> black question
I can remember problem with champfer, option two distance (that was before v1)
It took long time until it worked.
With fillet will certainly ok, sooner or later.

Little idea, moving stitched edge outside critical region, can help for filleting or edge split.
Is this possible ?
See file....

>>We've probably all come across these types of limitations, not only with MoI, it happens in all software, even in cad software that costs 10's of thousands of dollars,

These programs do not interest me, moi3D will be even better.

>>we simply avoid them, before we commit to a boolean operation we just have to think a few steps ahead and think will the seam get in the way.

and if we edit a file from foreign hand ?

>>What I figured with the 'Merge' command is that if you try an merge multiple sections of segmented edges it screws up the spherical surfaces, but if you do a section at a time it >>works fine, so you merge the segmented edges of one sphere section at a time.

Hehe, i love one click, not a hundred.


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 From:  eddi
Hi all
The following may help in some situations, where fillet refuses to work.(V2)
Steps---> export part as *.SAT and reopen this as SAT.
For test ---> filletbu1.3dm fillet with "Radius 1" was not worked. Save this file as SAT and and try fillet,
new working with all options.
For test ---> filletbu2.3dm fillet with "Radius 2", option "const dist". was not worked. Save this file as SAT and and try fillet, new working.

File 5 has not worked with this steps, i was able to merge with one click but fillet destroyed geometry.

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