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 From:  Michael Gibson
2827.2 In reply to 2827.1 
Hi okapi, yes I hope to get to that soon, since I want to wrap up v2 and that will be pretty much the last part to finish up for it.

But it won't be quite ready yet for the next upcoming beta release which has the display stuff in it instead.

- Michael
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 From:  okapi
Hi Michael,
great, thanks for the info.
I will be starting the first large scale model completely in moi, so I am also looking forward to the new display modes.
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 From:  Anis
2827.4 In reply to 2827.3 
BTW before V2 release, Michael still have two homework :)

1. mitered sweep
2. group

The development time is now more than 1.5 years.

@Michael :
Have you a plan to release new version in certain period ?
Like 1 or 2 year per release.

As we know, cad software like Autocad usually release per year.

Keep on good work ;)

- Anis
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 From:  okapi
2827.5 In reply to 2827.4 
I wouldn't put any time pressure on Michael for releases.
I think moi has evolved nicely since the first release.
We all get to use the v2 beta versions, which have all been very stable and therefore usable for production.

Moi as it is now is already very good for my needs (other than one or two function that I am missing).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2827.6 In reply to 2827.4 
Hi Anis,

> @Michael :
> Have you a plan to release new version in certain period ?
> Like 1 or 2 year per release.

I don't really have any fixed plan in place, but I'd sort of like to have new versions every 1 to 1.5 years.

That's just a general idea though, I don't really operate on a set schedule.

- Michael
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