re some of your responses in the past regarding these types of issues, and other modeling kernels like acis and parasolids with many years and man hours working them....
In many cases what you will be doing is adjusting MoI to be "adaptive" in various area's, to change tolerances and such in real time to have these things complete as they MAY in other apps. Lets call it for the moment, "Dumbing down" the model. When MoI starts to do this is when I will ask for some sort of tick, or label, or notice that this is happening. More the tick that I could allow or disallow it as I would want to know when my geometry is being altered to work, or the operation is being altered to work with my poor geometry. With some of the higher end apps, and possibly MoI in the future, there can be analytical tools for me to know and check/change this, but until then, this would be my request from MoI.