MoI under Crossover

 From:  podperson
I realize expecting MoI to get ported to the Mac/Linux is unrealistic, but how hard would it be to get MoI working under CrossOver. I tried it and MoI installed flawlessly, but when I tried to launch it it complained about a missing DLL. Since Crossover has fairly thorough Windows graphics emulation (a big part of their market is game devs) it seems like something that might let MoI run on Mac (and Linux) fairly easily (and MoI is already very Mac-like UI-wise).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2816.2 In reply to 2816.1 
Hi podperson - I think that CrossOver uses WINE rather than a full virtual machine type emulation system.

The last time I looked, WINE did not fully support several mechanisms that MoI uses like mshtml.dll and jscript.dll . MoI's UI is heavily based on those.

One of the "Virtual machine" emulators will work better for running MoI on the Mac, for example I have heard from several people who run it successfully with the current version of Parallels. So that's probably the best way to do it now.

You could possibly make some more progress on making it work in WINE by getting Internet Explorer installed through WINE as well, since that contains many of the DLLs that MoI is dependent on.

Some links:

But I would not be very confident that is going to work very well though.

- Michael
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 From:  podperson
2816.3 In reply to 2816.2 
I should go back and get you the error message. CrossOver installs IE and a bunch of other stuff for you by default, so the thing that killed me looked like a 3D-related DLL.

The beauty of Crossover is it could potentially let you release a Mac version of MoI3D without actually rewriting any of your code.

I have VirtualBox and VMWare Fusion (I'm angry at the Parallels devs so I refuse to upgrade Parallels). So far I've been using MoI on a Windows box, but I would love to be able to run it on my Mac under CrossOver or Wine.

For one thing Cheetah 3D works absolutely brilliantly with MoI's OBJ output (it's much less annoying than working with Blender, say -- at least until Blender's smoothing bug(s) get fixed).


The error I get is "unable to open oreans.vxd driver"


Looks like that was because I installed the trial version and oreans.vxd is some kind of copy-protection. I tried again with the actual installer and got an unhandled exception.

Oh well WMWare next :-)

EDITED: 30 Jul 2009 by PODPERSON

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2816.4 In reply to 2816.3 
Hi podperson - that sounds like an error in the protection mechanism that is wrapped around the 30-day trial version.

Try the alternate trial version from here:

That does not have the protection mechanism on it, and does not expire, but instead has saving disabled. It's actually closer in structure to the full release version.

If that "nosave" trial version works, then probably the full version will also work even if the 30-day trial does not.

- Michael
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 From:  podperson
Hi Michael -- thanks for replying. I worked that out for myself (see my edits, above).

I can verify however that MoI3D works flawlessly (so far as I can tell) under VMWare 2.x / Windows XP Professional.
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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
2816.6 In reply to 2816.5 
Interesting that you got it to work in VMWare.

I have been trying several ways to get MoI to work on an Aspire One netbook (Linpus Linux = Fedora 8 more or less) without success.

I tried VirtualBox which did not work (forum message here: )

I was going to try Xen but I don't believe the Atom CPU is up to it from what I have read.

I tried Wine (1.1.9 from memory) and tried using genuine DirectX dlls and some other things. No joy.

I tried to get VMWare player installed but there are known issues with Fedora which require a patch. The patch did not work on the Aspire One :(

I'm next going to try installing XP to a USB stick and run from there.

Well done getting it to work with VMWare. What Linux, machine specs etc are you running?


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 From:  podperson
2816.7 In reply to 2816.6 
I'm running OS X 10.5.8 ;-) VMWare Fusion -- I don't know if VMWare Fusion is more advanced than the equivalent under Linux (it may have advantages owing to Mac driver support).
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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
2816.8 In reply to 2816.7 
Ah, of course, you said you were on a Mac.


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