Pushing the Details : WIP
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2804.30 In reply to 2804.26 
Hi Anis,

> Can I add more light so the 3D model will look more brighter ?

I think there may be an option to put specular highlights which would brighten it further.

But the main reason this one looks dark-ish is the base surface colors are dark, the best way to brighten it would be to have some brighter base colors rather than dark base colors.

There is already quite a lot of light being applied to it, I don't think that you will typically want to put much more than that in, otherwise things that are brighter colors will become very washed out.

But probably specular highlights would be what would help in this kind of case.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Works like a charm even on a very old computer! No slow down, no crash!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2804.32 In reply to 2804.31 
Hi DesuDeus, yes actually I meant to ask you about why you were worried about crashing older machines with this.

Did you actually run into a crash when running on some particular machine?

Over here when I load your file, it takes up about 158MB when first loaded where everything is hidden, then goes up to about 240MB when showing everything. So that's not really bad for old machines, unless it was a really very underpowered (very low RAM) old machine.

So I'm not really sure you would need to worry about that so much.

Also generally working with the full displayed model works fine on my 6 year old machine with a Radeon 9600 Pro video card...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2804.33 In reply to 2804.27 
Hi DesuDeus,

> Feel free to use this model when you need it, to test for
> example your light system on something complex (to check
> speed).

Yup, thanks, it makes a good test for speed.

I did a speed test using this with the old versus new lighting systems, and there is no difference in display speed between them.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
2804.34 In reply to 2804.33 
Well MoI is rock solid, I was more thinking about crashing when meshing at very high settings.
But not when displaying it, styles are hidden so you can see how the model is constructed.
Maybe a laptop with integrated graphics would have more problems I dont know.

"I did a speed test using this with the old versus new lighting systems, and there is no difference in display speed between them."

Yup, thanks, it makes a good test for speed.
Perfect :D Now I need to make one even more complex aha *joke*

"Did you actually run into a crash when running on some particular machine?"

I tried hard but even at 1° I didn't crash. But I work on 2.4ghz quads with 8gb of DDR2.
Im impressed that MoI can display 970'000 ngons in wireframe.

"Radeon 9600 Pro video card"

Wow :D
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 From:  PaQ
2804.35 In reply to 2804.34 
>> Well MoI is rock solid, I was more thinking about crashing when meshing at very high settings.

The meshing engine stops before killing you system if you are using too extreme settings.
It was added just after the meshing optimization, when it was esay too fill 3 gigs of geometry in few seconds :)

I was never able to crash MoI that way.

EDITED: 28 Jul 2009 by PAQ

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2804.36 In reply to 2804.24 
Metallic display style with specular highlights added now:

- Michael

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 From:  tek (TEKMASTER)
2804.37 In reply to 2804.1 
Very nice and impressive work.
I'm testing MOi and find it very usable.
Looking at works like this is meaning a lot to me.

Spend a couple of minutes (about 15 in fact) in Bunkspeed's Hypershot.
Here is the result.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
2804.38 In reply to 2804.37 
Really nice render result tek!

- Michael
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 From:  keith1961
2804.39 In reply to 2804.38 
Thanks DesuDeus et al for sharing your knowledge.
I really like the monochrome renders. Does anyone know if I can achieve simular results with Carrara, or if I can import a moi file into photoshop and create a simular effect?
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
2804.40 In reply to 2804.39 
I rendered a small animation some time ago and didn't had time to share it...
I uploaded it on my vimeo account :)
View it here
There's some framerate errors I messed up in Cinema 4D but that's not important

You can also see a different version here
(the video is under "Animation 3D > 2009 > next button > EDIROL roland")
Le Studio Digital is where I work (learn also) currently its only two people :D

Thanks :)
The monochrome renders are a mix of Ambient Occlusion (wich make nice gradients around geometry) and Cell shading (wich make those outlines) Try to find Ambient Occlusion inside Carrara, I know there's ambient occlusion since Carrara version 5.
You cant fake ambient occlusion in photoshop it will be too difficult and not realistic enough.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very neat result animation!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Denis (SPACELAND)
Yes the animation result is pretty good.

Lighting is good, only one seem to be not fitting is the screen of the monitor.

But if work was for animation, compare to quality of the Monitor,it is well done.

EDITED: 18 Dec 2009 by SPACELAND

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 From:  Samuel Zeller
2804.43 In reply to 2804.42 
The screen?
There's no screen :O
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 From:  Denis (SPACELAND)
2804.44 In reply to 2804.43 
Was commenting on the video reel you put on your previous message. sorry for the confusion


| Adobe Photoshop CS | Corel CorelDraw Grahics Suite X3 | Daz 3D Bryce 6.3, Carrara Pro 6.2, Hexagon 2.5 |
| Maxon Cinema 4D R8.2 | Moi 3D V2 Beta |

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 From:  Samuel Zeller
The model is available for download here - http://shapenoid.com/Audio-recorder
The old link was dead :)
-- shapenoid.com
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