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 From:  indy
2798.5 In reply to 2798.4 
Hi Michael,

thanks for the clarification.

Are there any hints on how to easily find the missing faces in general?

And before I forget... any indications about when V2 will be out? ;-)

All the best,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2798.6 In reply to 2798.5 
Hi Indy,

> Are there any hints on how to easily find the missing faces in general?

I just found yours by just doing a quick inspection of your shape...

But it is possible to set up a keyboard shortcut to highlight naked (unattached) edges, which can help to show you where the disconnected holes and empty spaces are in a model.

To do that, go to Options / Shortcut keys and add in a new entry, and for the command, paste in the following (it is all one long line):

script:var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; gd.deselectAll(); var breps = gd.getObjects().getBreps(); for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) breps.item(i).getNakedEdges().setProperty( 'selected', true );

Then when you hit that key, the edges that are not attached to anything should highlight.> And before I forget... any indications about when V2 will be out? ;-)

No firm date set yet, but hopefully not a whole lot longer.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2798.7 In reply to 2798.6 

Does the trial version now have naked edge detection? Maybe a simple oversight in your reply?

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2798.8 In reply to 2798.7 
Hi Steve, ooops that is correct, that previous script only works in MoI v2 (since the Sep-21-2008 beta release) and not in v1 which is what the current trial is based on.

It will be nice when I wrap up v2 and be able to put out a new trial.

- Michael
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 From:  indy

no problem.

Just placed the order for MoI. So I should be able to test it out soon ;-).

All the best,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2798.10 In reply to 2798.9 
Hi Indy, thanks very much for your order!

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
2798.11 In reply to 2798.10 
Weee another one!
Welcome Indy, enjoy this flight to the Nurbs wonderland.

Heh thanks for the little script, just a little bit too late haha
(ive done all by hand today on my wip, moving my mouse everywhere to check for nasty lines)
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 From:  indy
Thanks a lot for the warm welcome!

Currently playing around with some basic stuff and hopefully can post some more exciting soon.

All the best,

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