MoI on Acer Aspire One via VirtualBox?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2795.13 In reply to 2795.12 
Hi Mark,

> How do you think MoI would run on one of those Michael
> (Intel GMA900 (915?) gfx & 900Mhz Celeron M)?

Well, that GMA900 is pretty much on the extreme low end of the pile as far as graphics horsepower goes.

So it will likely bog down quite a bit if you have too much stuff in your scene all at once.

But if you keep to lighter density models, the graphics card would probably work.

Probably the bigger problem would be that the screen on the Eee 701 is actually significantly less in resolution than with the Aspire One that you have been working with so far.

The Eee 701 seems to only have a 7 inch, 800x480 resolution screen, which is likely just too small. MoI is pretty much designed for a minimum of 1024 pixels in horizontal resolution - with only an 800 pixel width you are going to have some problems like having a scroll bar on the bottom toolbar.

So I really would not recommend that.

- Michael
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