MoI on Acer Aspire One via VirtualBox?
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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
2795.11 In reply to 2795.10 
Hi Michael,

I'm going to post a message to the VirtualBox forum and see what they say. From a bit of web surfing VirtualBox appears to be using Wine3D. I don't know if these issues also happen with Wine or how far up with recent Wine developments the latest VirtualBox release is.

I will let you know if they can tell me anything interesting.


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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
2795.12 In reply to 2795.11 
As a postscript to all this, I have managed to get Windows XP to run from a USB stick on my wife's Fedora based Aspire One netbook by using BartPE.

I had to jump through some hoops slipstreaming SP2 with my SP1 XP CD so I could get DX9. I had to copy form Server 2003 SP1 to the root of my USB stick (BartPE is completely unstable from USB without it, great with it!) as well as several other steps. I also have to install the Aspire One XP drivers for chipset & video after XP boots using a special BartPE "plugin".

With all that done, MoI works great from the USB stick on this little netbook. Performance seems really good compared to the SIS650 on my desktop & screen size/resolution has proved to be a non-issue. Thanks Michael for making it easy to run MoI from a USB stick :)

I need to get a netbook of my own now that I've proved to myself that I can live with the netbook format. I'd like a Dell Mini 10. I can afford a Eee 701! How do you think MoI would run on one of those Michael (Intel GMA900 (915?) gfx & 900Mhz Celeron M)?

EDITED: 9 Aug 2009 by MABROWN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2795.13 In reply to 2795.12 
Hi Mark,

> How do you think MoI would run on one of those Michael
> (Intel GMA900 (915?) gfx & 900Mhz Celeron M)?

Well, that GMA900 is pretty much on the extreme low end of the pile as far as graphics horsepower goes.

So it will likely bog down quite a bit if you have too much stuff in your scene all at once.

But if you keep to lighter density models, the graphics card would probably work.

Probably the bigger problem would be that the screen on the Eee 701 is actually significantly less in resolution than with the Aspire One that you have been working with so far.

The Eee 701 seems to only have a 7 inch, 800x480 resolution screen, which is likely just too small. MoI is pretty much designed for a minimum of 1024 pixels in horizontal resolution - with only an 800 pixel width you are going to have some problems like having a scroll bar on the bottom toolbar.

So I really would not recommend that.

- Michael
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