[Request] Line from Center point :)
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 From:  WillBellJr
"This part is not so good though - not because of too many menu items though, but because it means that in order to remove all clines you would first need to create a cline to get that menu, at least with how things work currently."

Hi Michael, thanks for the consideration since it would be great to have this feature especially if it's not that hard to implement using existing infrastructure.

I don't understand what you stated however?

I envisioned that you would click on an >existing< cline to specify remove / remove all?

If there aren't any clines available, then there's no popup menu to get to!

I'll say that my idea for all this hinges on assuming that clines will be special entities within MoI that you can (right) click on to bring up their special menu.

The only costs I envisioned for you would be to create a CLine class object and manage the multiples; keeping track of them etc., for downstream operations.

Are you saying once they're laid done, they're no longer "special" (construction lines) but simply line objects?

I was thinking ultimately you'd have "cline" objects in the browser which as the icing I mentioned earlier could named or grouped for easy hide and show...



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 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.54 In reply to 2782.53 
Hi Will,

> I'll say that my idea for all this hinges on assuming that clines
> will be special entities within MoI that you can (right) click on
> to bring up their special menu.

Hmm, well that is a pretty big change, it would need quite a bit of special consideration...

That could possibly be kind of strange to have only clines have a special right-click menu and nothing else.

> The only costs I envisioned for you would be to create a CLine
> class object and manage the multiples; keeping track of them
> etc., for downstream operations.

There can tend to be some long range UI design costs associated with having one thing behave differently than another...

A lot of times with UI decisions I need to take a longer view of trying to get things working harmoniously together in the long run rather than just sticking things together the quickest way possible right now, that can tend to be hard to reverse course on.

I wish it was actually as easy as you make it sound!! ;)

> Are you saying once they're laid done, they're no longer
> "special" (construction lines) but simply line objects?

No, I meant for making a "trimmed construction line", you can do that by just drawing a regular line segment (with Draw curve / Lines) over top of a construction line.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.55 In reply to 2782.51 
Hi Tony,

> But, as soon as you start on V3, you will add something cool
> with clines and then I will want to use that, so I will always
> be using the beta again :-)

Well, the overall goal of having a v3 will be to add numerous useful things in many different areas...

So I'd generally think that would happen to you anyway even if I did somehow manage to find more than 24 hours in a day and add in a bunch of cline stuff for v2.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
> I'll say that my idea for all this hinges on assuming that clines
> will be special entities within MoI that you can (right) click on
> to bring up their special menu.

Hmm, well that is a pretty big change, it would need quite a bit of special consideration...

That could possibly be kind of strange to have only clines have a special right-click menu and nothing else.

Wow Michael, I guess I just don't understand what's going on within MoI then cause I thought my suggestion was a path with the least amount of pain considering what's already available??

When I said "right click" menu, I meant the diamond popup that the dynamic cline currently has. Right now, the dynamic construction line is the only thing that HAS that little right-click menu after you create them? Unless I'm missing out on a bunch of other stuff??!!

I like the cline creation just the way it is now - I don't see a need for extra icons, buttons etc., after they've been drawn out and adjusted, persist (instanciate) them.

My suggestion to add a menu item "Persist" would ultimately take that dynamic cline and make it a "cline object".

So I thought all the functionality was there sans the logic to keep the cline around and manage multiples.

I guess what you're saying is currently, the cline is "simply" on the fly, GUI draw calls; it doesn't exist as an object or class - which my suggestions involved promoting them to so they could be persisted, and deleted (,grouped shown and hidden) etc.

That means you'd have to refactor the current GUI draw call(s) into a Draw() api for the cline object and other cline APIs to handle how you can specify "snap divisions" when the cursor moves over them along, orientation and other house keeping details...

As cline objects, I guess you should also be able to pick them up again and readjust etc.

Boohoo, whine, cry - I guess it's not as simple for you to implement as I thought... :-((

I guess I should go back and read though the rest of the thread - and look at the cline function that was mentioned and what it does cause I'm not sure now how you were planning on implementing this within MoI...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.57 In reply to 2782.56 
Hi Will, the problem is that there are also a variety of other
things that don't work currently for "persisted" clines.

For example when you move your mouse over them, they
don't get a selection preview highlight. They can't be selected
by window select, etc...

So to make it into a fully proper feature involves a variety of
work, not just adding in a single menu item.

If you want to have a basic persisted cline despite the various
unfinished things, then you can actually get that right now, just
hook this up to a keyboard shortcut:
script:moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getConstructionLines().setProperty( "isTemporary", false );

When you push that after having created some clines, they will
persist, it should give you exactly the same effect as if I added
in a "persist" menu item to that existing menu right now.

I probably won't be adding it into the menu until the whole overall
thing works a bit better including cleanup of stuff like selection,
etc.... That's why I was mentioning that it is not as as simple as
just adding in a single menu item to do a proper fully finished
job of it.

> I guess what you're saying is currently, the cline is "simply"
> on the fly, GUI draw calls; it doesn't exist as an object or class

No, it is an actual official object type and class of its own. But
some selection related stuff is not finished with it currently.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2782.58 In reply to 2782.57 
Using the keep Clines as is now, you can select them and apply styles to them and rotate them and move them and hide them with browser and name them. You just dont see the selection or colors in the viewport. Seems the only thing missing!
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 From:  WillBellJr
For example when you move your mouse over them, they
don't get a selection preview highlight. They can't be selected
by window select, etc...

So to make it into a fully proper feature involves a variety of
work, not just adding in a single menu item.

Michael, I realize it would take more than just adding a menu item, obviously. You've explained some of the additional work you feel is needed...

I can appreciate keeping all of MoI's functionality orthogonal or behaving in a similar fashion.

In my mind, clines are drawing aids not drawing entities, so I didn't particularly feel they needed to act the same way as other entities, window selection or showing selection highlighting.

Again, I figured you could persist them, and remove them all by clicking on one and selecting an option from the diamond menu popup. Grouping, showing and hiding from the browser. That was the extent of my vision of how to use them.

My suggestion was geared towards limiting the amount of work you had to do in the hopes of seeing this implemented.

The fact that you say the existing cline is a class object is what I had hoped from the beginning - so that's a good thing.

I'm not thirsty for having this now I was reading this thread with interest after thinking of how I could use MoI for my 2D concept drawings if the dynamic cline and the way it works now could be persisted in multiples - that's when I posted my suggestion.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.60 In reply to 2782.59 
Hi Will,

> I'm not thirsty for having this now

But you can actually have it now - did you see the part of my previous message showing how you can actually set this up right now on your current version by setting up some keyboard shortcuts?

There are some scripts for this on Petr's page here:

If you set up a keyboard shortcut with this script on it:
script:moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getConstructionLines().setProperty( "isTemporary", false );

then when you push a key, the clines that you created will stick instead of being cleared at the end of the command...

Also if you set this one on a different shortcut key:
script:var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; gd.removeObjects( gd.getObjects().getConstructionLines() );

Then when you push that it will remove all of the persistent clines.

You can also assign them styles or names I think and that should work to control them using the browser even though some things do not work visually such as the color display. The actual property assignment does work though.

That stuff seems to be what you are asking about here, or am I not understanding you correctly? In the future this will probably be extended by using that menu or something but right now you can set up those keyboard scripts to do it...

Sorry if I was not clear before.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
Okay, thanks Michael, I'll take a look at the script.

I sort of shy away from scripts cause when I update the betas, they usually don't follow over so I try to avoid using what's not within the MoI base functionality.

This is totally my fault of course.

If I remember correctly, I believe you've even created a utility to help carry over stuff - I'll look around in my MoI notes to see what I can find. (The Pipe command has been about the only command I do try to hang on to since I really like the functionality of that one!)

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 From:  BurrMan
2782.62 In reply to 2782.61 
Its fairly straight forward will. You can keep a folder in your my docs where you copy any scripts into before you copy them to your commands folder. In same folder a text doc where you type your shortcuts and command names/scripts.

New beta release....Copy folder to folder and copy text to ini shortcuts section. Takes about 30 seconds.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2782.63 In reply to 2782.61 
Hi Will,

> I sort of shy away from scripts cause when I update
> the betas, they usually don't follow over so I try to avoid
> using what's not within the MoI base functionality.

Actually the ones that are completely contained inside of a keyboard shortcut (rather than having additional files involved) do carry over between beta releases.

That previous "keep construction lines" one that I mentioned is like that - because the entire script is contained in the keyboard shortcut, that script gets stored in your moi.ini file and unless you have moved the moi.ini file it it will stay in its regular central location and be found automatically by a new beta release.

It's when you have a more intensive "custom command" installed which may contain a larger script or also has accompanying UI files, that you need to copy stuff over between releases. That's when there are additional files involved to run the script, like if you download a .zip file with stuff in it.

> If I remember correctly, I believe you've even created a utility
> to help carry over stuff

Yes, for every v2 beta release shortly after the release I've posted a utility program that will copy any custom commands you had for v1 over to the new v2 beta.

But you don't actually need that for this particular case with the "Keep construction lines" script since it does not have additional files, the whole script is just stored in the keyboard shortcut itself.

- Michael
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