Straight Lines are not visible in the front view

 From:  nukkle
if u draw a curve in the "Right" Window, thats a perfect line, u wont see it in the front viewport.
Is there a way to highlight those lines better in the Front Window ?

cant we add a feature like in photoshop where u hold shift and your drawing lines, get 100 percent linear with 45 ° as choosable steps ?

kind regards
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2769.2 In reply to 2769.1 
Hi nukkle,

> if u draw a curve in the "Right" Window, thats a perfect line,
> u wont see it in the front viewport.
> Is there a way to highlight those lines better in the Front Window ?

Yes, actually that's handled better in version 2 already - in MoI v2 if you have a bunch of exactly straight lines like this:

When you look at them from an edge-on view you will see them appear as little dots, like this:

In v1 those would not be visible when viewed edge on.

MoI v2 has been in development for about a year and a half, so there are quite a large number of improvements and refinements in it. It's nearly ready for release, after it is released then there will be a trial version available for it. The v2 beta is available for v1 owners to download and use while it is still in development.

There's a collection of all the release notes for what is new in v2 available here:

> cant we add a feature like in photoshop where u hold shift
> and your drawing lines, get 100 percent linear with 45 ° as
> choosable steps ?

In MoI that function is called "Straight snap", and you can enable it by clicking on the button in the bottom toolbar so that it is highlighted in orange:

When it is enabled, you can get straight lines by just moving your mouse somewhat close to where the line would be straight and it will lock on to make it straight, you do not need to hold down shift. That's one of the cool features of MoI actually, that you can generally run it and use it without needing to touch the keyboard all the time for doing simple things like selecting multiple objects or drawing straight lines.

By default straight snap locks on to 90 degree increments, but you can change that to 45 degrees if you want by going to Options > Snaps > Straight snap options > Snap angle.

Also you can enter a "one shot only" snap angle by using the angle constraint field located here:

So for example if you click there and enter 30, you will get a 30 degree lock just for that one pick and then it will go back to the regular default angle snap after that.

Also there is a shortcut for entering in an angle by using the keyboard - type in your angle prefixed by the "<" character (it sort of looks like an angle sign), like: <23 then enter.

When you type that you don't have to click on any field with the mouse, just start typing and you will see your keystrokes go into the XYZ field and when it sees that the first character is a < sign then it knows to set that as an angle constraint.

You can also type in a number without the < sign, which will be taken as a distance constraint to control the distance of a point from the previous picked one.

Hope this helps,

- Michael

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 From:  nukkle
2769.3 In reply to 2769.2 
again, thank you for your detailed answer

helped 100 %
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 From:  nukkle
2769.4 In reply to 2769.3 
I am proud to tell you that i just bought moi3d at this moment. :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2769.5 In reply to 2769.4 
Hi nukkle, thanks very much for your order!

- Michael
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