Fanlight frame chamfers are detached.
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 From:  nycL45
Hi Michael,

Let me address some of your responses.

After four straight attempts, I am still getting edges I cannot highlight. I did what you suggested but no joy. I have enclosed a pic of the extrude with the edges I could click on highlighted. The rest of the edges in that pic would not activate. I have attached the file of this latest iteration. The workaround I used was to go back to extrude as I noted here some posts ago. Pics 17 & 18 show the chamfers after the .obj files were dropped into Cinema 4D.

Regarding the "little side connecting edges", I did not include those for the chamfer.

Thanks for the strategic window tip. Good one that will be used frequently.

Regarding the chamfers, I followed BurrMan's suggesting of backing off from .25. The best I could do was .17 and decided to leave it at that. Interestingly, the door rectangular openings accepted the .25 and straight corners just fine.

Thanks for your help.


EDITED: 11 Jul 2009 by NYCL45

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2765.13 In reply to 2765.12 
Hi Leonard, thanks for attaching that file "Clerestory edge problem.3dm".

When I load that file I can definitely see that you have some edges not displayed there.

But they do seem to exist and are just hidden. If I click the Edit/Hide button located in the UI here:

immediately after loading your file, the edges are unhidden and then can be seen and picked.

What happens if you follow these exact steps:

1 - load your just attached file Clerestory edge problem.3dm

2 - push that hide button

Do you then see the edges?

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2765.14 In reply to 2765.12 
Hi Leonard, also I've been examining the chamfer problem some more - it seems to be a general bug in how chamfer handles the "corner patching" pieces when 2 edges meet each other at an angle of less than 90 degrees like when you have a triangular shaped hole.

I've been able to repeat the problem when making a simple triangular hole in other simple models separate from yours.

I may need to send it in to the people who make the geometry library that I use, but identifying a general pattern to the problem can help to isolate it down.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2765.15 In reply to 2765.12 
Hi Leonard,

> Interestingly, the door rectangular openings accepted the .25
> and straight corners just fine.

Yeah, it seems that edges that meet at 90 degrees or higher are handled fine, it's the ones sharper than that from triangular holes that are not handled properly.

Let me know if you would like me to cook up a version with the .25 value, using that alternate method Offset + Loft method. I can complete that partially finished version that I posted earlier if you want.

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45
Hi Michael,

Yes the Edit/Hide button reveals the edges but I think that it is actually turning on and using the original or generating curve and not using just the solid's edges. This is what I did using the file I sent you:
1. Assign the solid an Object name. I used "Solid".
2. Turn off Object "Solid".
3. Turn on Object "Spline clerestory all crvs".
a. You can see there are strange curve remnants along with the original generating curve (pic below).
b. Click on the outer most semi-circular curve (or pie shaped) and then note that the window in the upper right corner indicates that what has been activated is a solid, not a curve.
c. Under the Object list, the "Spline..." has a full eye and "Solid" has half an eye. Doesn't that mean that "Solid" is partially on? I noticed that the half eye occurs a lot when extrude has been used.
1) clicking the half eye turns on "Solid".
2) "Spline..." should still have a full eye.
3) turn off "Spline..."
4) the solid that is left has numerous edges that cannot be activated.

I thought that once the extrusion was created, the generating spline was redundant and could be deleted. I have done that without causing problems.

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 From:  nycL45
>Let me know if you would like me to cook up a version with the .25 value, using that alternate method Offset + Loft >method. I can complete that partially finished version that I posted earlier if you want.


Thanks for the offer but that is not necessary at this time. If I need it, I will complete yours.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2765.18 In reply to 2765.16 
Hi Leonard, thanks for posting more details on your edge hiding problem.

What you're running into there is a bug where the name property of the original generating curve is actually being transmitted to some but not all of the edge curves of the resulting solid.

So once they have the same name, they all get turned on or off when using that same slot in the "Objects" section of the scene browser.

I'll get this fixed up for the next beta so that those edges will not inherit the name of the generating curve, that's kind of a bad side effect from a mechanism that tries to maintain object properties whenever an object is copied - in this case some edge curves in the resulting solid come from direct copies of the original input curve.

- Michael
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 From:  nycL45

Thanks for the explanations, tips and help.


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