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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Is it possible to have a "Loading" message text when you load a "big file"?
An anxious :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Ken (JWLRYMKR)
I would love to see a closed Loft feature added.
It's not too much trouble now as I can make a plane, trim and mirror, but closed loft would be nice in one mouseclick.





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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.96 In reply to 275.95 
re: closed loft

Hi Ken, I do intend to get to this pretty soon.

- Michael
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 From:  okapi
i think my biggest wish for the release would be a Layer system.
I know this has been already discussed, and has been mentioned as something that will be added at a later date.

I would really urge you to add it for the release, even if it is a fairly simpled layer system.
A more elaborate system could be developed at a later date.
Ideally it would need to understand layers from 3dm files.

Otherwise it makes, for me at least, 'communicating' with Rhino files difficult,
as well as modelling ( or rather managing) anything remotely complex.
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 From:  JTB
275.98 In reply to 275.97 
To okapi:

As Michael has already said, it hasn't been decided yet the exact way of grouping and organizing objects so maybe there will not be a clear layering system.
AutoCAD has only layers, Revit has no layers, just categories,names and groups, Max has layers, names, groups, named sets... so you can understand that there is not only one way. Layers is the classic way, but I am not sure it is the best too.
Be patient...
Creating a layer system is much work to do for Michael so at least it has to be the final decision.
I am not sure that layers are the best solution for MoI. Maybe this should be a new poll for Moi users...
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
As I build more complex models, the clutter from not having a layer system is getting difficult to manage, even with hide-show.

At the very least, it would be nice if there was a key I could press so when I click, I could select surfaces, or points, or lines only. Right now, I click, and sometimes it selects a surface, or a line, or a point, depending on how zoomed in I am, and where I am clicking on the scene. Then I have to redo my camera angle, and try clicking again so I select the surface w/o hitting any curves behind it.

So, if laters are a ways off, can we get some modifier keys like silo? Where holding down a key, or at least clicking it puts us into "Select points Only", "Select Curves only" and "Select Surfaces" only mode.

In silo, these are "ASD" on the keyboard, and it works very well.

Pretty please?
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 From:  JTB
275.100 In reply to 275.99 

So, what you are asking for is a selection filter. Very nice idea, I think filtering objects is always useful.

Hey! This is the 100th post of the thread!

EDITED: 6 Feb 2007 by JTB

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 From:  tyglik
275.101 In reply to 275.99 
Hi Crusoe,

See last paragraph in this message.

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 From:  n0mad
please.. if it is possible and if you put text option let us load fonts from different folder or device..not just C:win/fonts..
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 From:  okapi
275.103 In reply to 275.98 
Hi JTP, i do know that there are other systems than just a 'layer' approach.
I also know that it has been discussed before.
To name a few others, there are also 'Hypergraphs' networks as in Maya, or scene trees, such as the C4d object manager, ( the later combined with the new Filter and Layer tools in C4d it is quite good for complex scenes).

However this is what would keep me at the moment from doing anything more than just playing around with moi.
To do any kind of serious work, I need some kind of system for scene management ( call it layers or whatever else you like).
See Crusoe's post as well, which is my point.

Also as I said it would be necessary, to me at least, to have a system that can read the layers from 3dm files, and that can output files that are organized in some fashion, as I would imagine MOI as part of a bigger pipeline.
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 From:  JTB
275.104 In reply to 275.103 
okapi wrote:
Hi JTP, i do know that there are other systems than just a 'layer' approach.
I also know that it has been discussed before.
To name a few others, there are also 'Hypergraphs' networks as in Maya, or scene trees, such as the C4d object manager, ( the later combined with the new Filter and Layer tools in C4d it is quite good for complex scenes).

However this is what would keep me at the moment from doing anything more than just playing around with moi.
To do any kind of serious work, I need some kind of system for scene management ( call it layers or whatever else you like).
See Crusoe's post as well, which is my point.

Also as I said it would be necessary, to me at least, to have a system that can read the layers from 3dm files, and that can output files that are organized in some fashion, as I would imagine MOI as part of a bigger pipeline.

Yes, of course, I understand, all I wanted to say is that nothing can be done until the final decision because it will be a lot of work for nothing, if Michael has to change something later...
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Function "Size" int the "Array" Function will be cool :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.106 In reply to 275.105 
re: Size for Array

Can you explain some more Pilou?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.107 In reply to 275.106 

<e: Size for Array

<Can you explain some more Pilou?

A factor of "expansion" of the model between each iteration

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 11 Feb 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.108 In reply to 275.107 
> A factor of "expansion" of the model between each iteration

As in the Scale command?

The part that is a little difficult with this is that scaling happens around a particular point, it would be a bit hard to give control over the center of scaling right now.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.109 In reply to 275.107 
Hi Pilou, I remembered that we talked about this before and I told you I would do a plugin for you to do this type of scaling.

So here you go!

To use this, unzip the attached file into the \commands folder, then add a keyboard shortcut for ScaleArray, for example:

[Shortcut Keys]

To use the ScaleArray command, you use any array command, but make sure to include a single point object with the objects you are arraying. The point object will become the center of the scale for each array instance.

After you do an array, select the arrayed objects (and only the arrayed objects, so for example if you do an array curve make sure the path curve is _not_ selected), then do Alt+S (or whatever your shortcut key is).

This will allow you to scale the results of the array, like this:

The point objects will be removed after the ScaleArray command is finished.

Was that the kind of thing you had in mind?

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.110 In reply to 275.109 
THX! Perfect for the moment :)
Very easy to use!
For all forms who have a progressive internal structure seems to me essential :)
And not as a plug ! (it's yet no so bad :D

And as always infinite possibilities!
As previous said a rafinement will be Size differential on X, Y, Z :)

Ps Seems the process less speed than other things?
Maybe because structure or order of the calculate is not natural as usual?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 12 Feb 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  JTB
The plugin looks great... Is there any particular way of installing it?
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 From:  tyglik
275.112 In reply to 275.111 
No, no.... just unzip into the commands folder and that's all...this is not plugin but normal command... -Petr
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 From:  JTB
Did that, where is the command?
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