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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
But you can still draw the rosace using the other method as well.

Pick start
Pick end
Pick "On" point to overlap other "ON" points.

Going in this order makes it easier to use for other things, not just rosace.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.35 In reply to 275.34 
Ok, I have tuned up Arc with 3 points for the next beta.

There is now an option for Style: where you can choose either "Start, End, On" (the new method as requested), or "Start, On, End" (the old method).

The initial default is the new method.

Thanks for all the feedback!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.36 In reply to 275.35 
That's avoid war between classics against the moderns :D
You say "Style" : it's applied to Circle also or just Arc?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.37 In reply to 275.36 
> That's avoid war between classics against the moderns :D

Yes, now everyone can be happy! :)

> You say "Style" : it's applied to Circle also or just Arc?

Just Arc - this doesn't really apply to circle since 3 points define just one circle no matter which order they are picked in, there isn't really a start or end point for the circle.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.38 In reply to 275.37 
ok:) And about the move of the 3 "points" before validate function?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.39 In reply to 275.38 
> And about the move of the 3 "points" before validate function?

This one is harder - I guess you mean that there would be a "done" button and the command would not exit until you pushed "Done"?

This would be a lot different than every other draw command - for instance should line add another step for "done" and let you move the 2 points for a line before you exit?

This would add an extra step to a lot of commands...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.40 In reply to 275.39 

With the mouse till you don't right clic after the 3third point or clic on another function, 3 points are "visible and movable"
With pen 3 points are "visible and movable" till you don't clic on another function
No need more button !
Just a suggestion :)
Of course yes this need a little more scripting :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 23 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.41 In reply to 275.40 
re: move the 3 points before exiting the command.

I think that eventually this will be covered by history - eventually when there is an object tree available, you should be able to pick the 3pt arc and see that it has a history that it was created by 3 points, and have some way to turn on those points and edit them and have the arc update. That would then behave like you are describing. But it will be quite a while before that is ready.

Right now I don't want to do this since it would require an extra action - either right-click or "done" button, they are much the same. That would be quite a bit different than the other draw tools.

> With pen 3 points are "visible and movable" till you don't clic on another function

This is not easy to do without having a "done" button, since you may want to select the arc after you draw it. There is no button for going into selection mode, that's normally what the "Done" button is for, to exit the command and then go back into selection mode....

Thank you for the idea though!

- Michael
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
Aren't you glad alot of the interface is written in JScript? ;)

Anyways, I want to thank you for all the hard work. This is a great lil tool.
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
275.43 In reply to 275.29 
So I went in, and tried to set it to a rediculously high mesh level.

Note the large unsubdivided polygens on the guard/hilt. Ideally, it would be great if those large areas got cut up into more quads/tris/ngons. That way I could import into zbrush, and detail it further.

Yeah, maybe the slices idea is too slow, but 'gridding' a flat surface would be great. It should respond to "Avoid larger than", that way I can set the density of the grid.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.44 In reply to 275.42 
> Aren't you glad alot of the interface is written in JScript? ;)

Yup! The flexible underpinnings of the UI really help me adapt things and make changes more rapidly than is normally possible.

> Anyways, I want to thank you for all the hard work. This is a great lil tool.

Thank you!

- Michael
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 From:  Ken (JWLRYMKR)

I would like to see the star feature added to the polygon menu. I cant count how many times I've used it in rhino.
Drawing a curve on surface would be nice too! There may be a way to do it now, but I havent found it.

Oops, forgot the project command would be real nice too.

EDITED: 23 Jan 2007 by JWLRYMKR

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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
One strange thing...

The thin strip down the center of the blade of the dagger is planar, and gets divided up into squares 1 unit in size, apparently because of "Avoid Larger Than" being sent to 1, and aspect limit set to 1 as well. So 'gridding' apparently works for relatively linear areas.

The hilt though never gets subdivided much.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.47 In reply to 275.46 
> One strange thing...
> The thin strip down the center of the blade of the dagger is planar, and gets
> divided up into squares 1 unit in size, apparently because of "Avoid Larger
> Than" being sent to 1, and aspect limit set to 1 as well. So 'gridding'
> apparently works for relatively linear areas.
> The hilt though never gets subdivided much.

It's purely the result of the aspect ratio limit - setting that to one will make it try to subdivide to make things into squares if possible.

This will force subdivisions on rectangular surfaces, but if your surface (the underlying untrimmed surface, before trim curves are applied) is already nearly square, then aspect ratio limit won't really do anything to it. It won't cause a square to be subdivided, because dividing a square in half by any direction will result in a larger difference in width/height than before.

I'm working now on having a setting to apply the "Divide larger than" work on planes, that should do what you want.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.48 In reply to 275.45 

<Drawing a curve on a surface
Till now you can make like this :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Ken (JWLRYMKR)
275.49 In reply to 275.48 
Thank you Frenchy :) that is very helpful!




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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.50 In reply to 275.43 
re: meshing flat areas.

Hi Crusoe, I've added a new setting for the next beta that can be used to make the "Divide larger than" setting also apply to planar surfaces:

By default it does not apply to planar surfaces, since adding more polygons to a plane does not normally help any kind of rendering appearance.

But if you want to do other things to the mesh such as deform it, this new setting will help out.

- Michael

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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
275.51 In reply to 275.50 

Wow! Perfect! :D

Now all that is left is "Project curve on surface" and "Extrude" from that.... ;)

Have a surface, draw a curve on it. If the curve is closed, be able to extrude the enclosed part of the surface.

Then Moi would meet 99.9% of my hard edged modeling needs. :)

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 From:  Jesse
275.52 In reply to 275.24 
Hi Michael,

I'd also prefer Arc: Start, End, Point on Arc.

I know the interface and tool set of MoI is intended to facilitate the use of a
pen and tablet, but I was wondering if it would be possible to implement
arrow keys to move an object? (the way nudge keys work in Rhino)
There are times when it's faster for me to precisely shape a curve by
nudging control points, rather than jerking them around willy-nilly with the mouse.

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 From:  JTB

A few new wishes.

A reminder...
Michael, the first post of this thread is a list of my wishes... One can be very useful and maybe easy for you to add for the next beta...
11. Add more solids : For example a tube, a pyramid...Why use booleans for these.

Wishes No 7 (images) and 10 (cap ends) are already done !!!!

A new one : (small) When using array command, there is no need to enter a number in X and Y spacing when I choose to make a [1,1,n] array, that means having multiple objects on Z axis.

A new one : ORTHO - Being able to move only on X, Y,Z axis. That can be achieved with Shift button or just a shortcut. I guess everyone will find it useful.To do this now you have to select the MOVE command, and have GRID SNAP enabled. I know that when I drag an object I can see if I move parallel to an axis. What I need is more to be sure that I can't move off axis.

A new one : Some right click menus will be very helpful.. Maybe there are not many commands for this right now but "Hide","Show points", "Copy/Paste" etc can be placed there.

EDITED: 24 Jan 2007 by JTB

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