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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
275.22 In reply to 275.21 
Import SVG outlines.

Text shape support.

Drag an object over a surface, and have it snap to the normal of the surface.

Extrude relative to surface normal.
Draw a curve on a surface.

From these two, we get some common polygon modeling functionality in a CAD modeler. Draw a closed curve on a surface, and then extrude it.
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 From:  JTB
From an older post... a small wish

The way we make arcs using 3 points is not the easiest. I believe it should be : 1. Start point, 2. End point, 3. Third point.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.24 In reply to 275.23 
> The way we make arcs using 3 points is not the easiest. I believe it
> should be : 1. Start point, 2. End point, 3. Third point.

I can certainly change it.

If anybody likes the current way better, speak up!

- Michael
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
While the current mesher for obj export is nice, large flat areas get divided irregularly or not at all. The resulting mesh is a poor choice for importing into Zbrush or Mudbox if you want to detail those places.

What would be nice is a setting to allow subdivision of large flat areas. There is a option called "Avoid Larger Than", but it seems to have no effect in subdividing large flat areas. Would it be possible for there to be some method to divide a flat area into patches of quads?

Also, could we have a mesher export option to export a model as a mesh that represents x-y-z slices of a object? So I could say "Export mesh a mesh using 10 slices per x unit, 10 per y unit, and 10 per z unit"? This would give a nice regular mesh of tris/quads suitable for zbrush detailing.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.26 In reply to 275.24 

Arc has Start On End

Circle Start On End or Start End On
Seems stricly the same?

Maybe something useful will be the possibility to move "one" of the 3 points before close the function Circle (or Arc)?
Because when you select "Show Points" you have many points of the "curve circle" (or Arc) !
And move a point of "Show point" of a circle is not the same than move one of the 3 points construction :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 22 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
275.27 In reply to 275.24 

Please change the 3 point arc, it's hard to set the curvature accurately if you set the mid point as the second step!

Star->end->point on circle would be much better! As you drag the point around, you can easily see the circle you are drawing.

Please change! :)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.28 In reply to 275.27 

Seems reasonable for the circle :)

Maybe less for the arc when you draw in 2D (view Top)
when you search a good form Start On End is better as End is not yet defined :)

Maybe add an icone of choice :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 22 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.29 In reply to 275.25 
Hi Crusoe,

Re: mesher

Can you post an example file of something that is not meshing well for you? That will help me to understand your specific problem.

> There is a option called "Avoid Larger Than", but it seems to have no effect
> in subdividing large flat areas.

There actually isn't any "Avoid Larger Than", but there is a "Divide larger than", and "Avoid smaller than".

Divide larger than is the one that lets you put in a distance and will subdivide lengths larger than this value. So that's the one you want. However, it doesn't do anything to completely flat planar surfaces, it only affects surfaces that are curved in some manner. I suppose I can add in an option to include planes or not if this is causing a problem for you.

Right now you can try the Aspect ratio limit below that - try putting in a value of 4 or 3 in here and see if that helps you, this setting does work with planes.

> Also, could we have a mesher export option to export a model as a mesh that
> represents x-y-z slices of a object? So I could say "Export mesh a mesh using
> 10 slices per x unit, 10 per y unit, and 10 per z unit"? This would give a nice
> regular mesh of tris/quads suitable for zbrush detailing.

Unfortunately this would be extremely difficult for me to code except in a few special cases for stuff like boxes. Any kind of curved surfaces would involve a huge number of intersections of the surface which are slow to calculate.

- Michael
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 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)

My little wish:

1) Like Cinema4D, expand the current view with Central Mouse button;
central again, to put into splitted mode! ;)

2) Great the Pen table movement view, but are great if have the possibility to use same mouse Movement like cinema4D! (into 3d View)

Tnx Michael for this great piece of software! ;)

MrBraun - Moderator
Cinema4D R10 and MOI of course!

EDITED: 22 Jan 2007 by LORENZO

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 From:  tyglik
275.31 In reply to 275.24 
add: arc 3pts method
  I think that Start,End,Point method is more useful.
  - I usually know end point or I can find it with a construction lines.
  - When I pick start and end point, the third point influences only an arc radius while with current method the arc radius and point location are still unknown.
  - When I have three explicit points, there is no problem with picking end point first

So if Crusoe begs for an alteration, I join him!

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 From:  Colin
275.32 In reply to 275.27 
Hi Michael,

I'm also finding that the current settings for the 3 point arc difficult to use.
For me personally, Start>End>Point would be far easier to position correctly within a model.
But I'm only stating this as a complete novice??

regards Colin
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I am not agree with you!)
Say you want draw a rosace
You have the circle
Start Arc from anyway on the circle
On = center of the circle
End = somewhere you want on the oposite side folowing on the circle and inspiration
due the design wished : can moving "end" on the circle is an help for the eyes!
So for me Arc 3 points by Start On End is a good thing :)

Maybe Michael can make 2 variantes: one for you, one for moi (me in french) :)

And can move these "3 points" a big help also! (before "validate" Arc function)
(idem for the "3 points" of a circle)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 23 Jan 2007 by PILOU


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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
But you can still draw the rosace using the other method as well.

Pick start
Pick end
Pick "On" point to overlap other "ON" points.

Going in this order makes it easier to use for other things, not just rosace.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.35 In reply to 275.34 
Ok, I have tuned up Arc with 3 points for the next beta.

There is now an option for Style: where you can choose either "Start, End, On" (the new method as requested), or "Start, On, End" (the old method).

The initial default is the new method.

Thanks for all the feedback!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.36 In reply to 275.35 
That's avoid war between classics against the moderns :D
You say "Style" : it's applied to Circle also or just Arc?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.37 In reply to 275.36 
> That's avoid war between classics against the moderns :D

Yes, now everyone can be happy! :)

> You say "Style" : it's applied to Circle also or just Arc?

Just Arc - this doesn't really apply to circle since 3 points define just one circle no matter which order they are picked in, there isn't really a start or end point for the circle.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.38 In reply to 275.37 
ok:) And about the move of the 3 "points" before validate function?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.39 In reply to 275.38 
> And about the move of the 3 "points" before validate function?

This one is harder - I guess you mean that there would be a "done" button and the command would not exit until you pushed "Done"?

This would be a lot different than every other draw command - for instance should line add another step for "done" and let you move the 2 points for a line before you exit?

This would add an extra step to a lot of commands...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.40 In reply to 275.39 

With the mouse till you don't right clic after the 3third point or clic on another function, 3 points are "visible and movable"
With pen 3 points are "visible and movable" till you don't clic on another function
No need more button !
Just a suggestion :)
Of course yes this need a little more scripting :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 23 Jan 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.41 In reply to 275.40 
re: move the 3 points before exiting the command.

I think that eventually this will be covered by history - eventually when there is an object tree available, you should be able to pick the 3pt arc and see that it has a history that it was created by 3 points, and have some way to turn on those points and edit them and have the arc update. That would then behave like you are describing. But it will be quite a while before that is ready.

Right now I don't want to do this since it would require an extra action - either right-click or "done" button, they are much the same. That would be quite a bit different than the other draw tools.

> With pen 3 points are "visible and movable" till you don't clic on another function

This is not easy to do without having a "done" button, since you may want to select the arc after you draw it. There is no button for going into selection mode, that's normally what the "Done" button is for, to exit the command and then go back into selection mode....

Thank you for the idea though!

- Michael
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