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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.108 In reply to 275.107 
> A factor of "expansion" of the model between each iteration

As in the Scale command?

The part that is a little difficult with this is that scaling happens around a particular point, it would be a bit hard to give control over the center of scaling right now.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.109 In reply to 275.107 
Hi Pilou, I remembered that we talked about this before and I told you I would do a plugin for you to do this type of scaling.

So here you go!

To use this, unzip the attached file into the \commands folder, then add a keyboard shortcut for ScaleArray, for example:

[Shortcut Keys]

To use the ScaleArray command, you use any array command, but make sure to include a single point object with the objects you are arraying. The point object will become the center of the scale for each array instance.

After you do an array, select the arrayed objects (and only the arrayed objects, so for example if you do an array curve make sure the path curve is _not_ selected), then do Alt+S (or whatever your shortcut key is).

This will allow you to scale the results of the array, like this:

The point objects will be removed after the ScaleArray command is finished.

Was that the kind of thing you had in mind?

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.110 In reply to 275.109 
THX! Perfect for the moment :)
Very easy to use!
For all forms who have a progressive internal structure seems to me essential :)
And not as a plug ! (it's yet no so bad :D

And as always infinite possibilities!
As previous said a rafinement will be Size differential on X, Y, Z :)

Ps Seems the process less speed than other things?
Maybe because structure or order of the calculate is not natural as usual?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 12 Feb 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  JTB
The plugin looks great... Is there any particular way of installing it?
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 From:  tyglik
275.112 In reply to 275.111 
No, no.... just unzip into the commands folder and that's all...this is not plugin but normal command... -Petr
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 From:  JTB
Did that, where is the command?
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 From:  tyglik
275.114 In reply to 275.113 
ScaleArray command hasn't got a command button (icon); you have to assign
a keyboard shortcut to it unless you make a button yourself....just reread

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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
Different tileable arrays/symmetry group settings. Hexagonal, etc.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Import Object in Obj format in Moi !
I know, seems an heresy, but I know some crazzy artists who redraw nurbs over OBJ meshes!
It's more easy than recreated something in Nurbs from an image!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Colin
275.117 In reply to 275.116 
Hi Michael,

Would it also be possible to have the option to "Import" an STL file?
It's just a thought, as we're able to "Export" an STL file in MoI.

regards Colin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.118 In reply to 275.117 
re: import STL / OBJ

This is not very easy to do, since STL and OBJ contain faceted polygon geometry, not smooth NURBS geometry like MoI is set up to work with.

MoI exports to these formats by taking its smooth surface sheets and dicing them up into facets. But it is not easy to do the reverse and take facets and make smooth sheets out of them.

It's kind of like how you can chop up carrots to make a stew, but you can't easily take a stew and make carrots out of it...

Eventually it might be possible for me to add polygon mesh objects as a different type of geometry that you can work with inside of MoI. But it is difficult to add those and have the current toolset work with them (such as booleans and trims), so for a while I have focused on only providing smooth (NURBS) surfaces inside of MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.119 In reply to 275.118 
About OBJ : no need face smoothed, only "ghost" points and edges of the structure :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 15 Feb 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Tony (APROCK)

I would like to the options saved on a per file basis. Especially the grid options. I have some files depicting parts I need to fabricate for my boat. The snap size is very small and the accented is set to 3 (major dimensions of part are divisible by 3). Then again I have a couple of simple floor plans that I drew with the accented is set to 4 and snap size is a lot larger.

No matter what file you open, the options are set to whatever you were using the last time you had MOI open. So I have to write down all the data in the various option selection screens and set them accordingly when I open that particular file. Other wise by 16.5ft boat looks like a 12.5ft boat!

EDITED: 14 Feb 2007 by APROCK

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 From:  JTB
Yes, this will be added later I guess, like every other app I know, there are general preferences and project preferences.
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 From:  3dvisuals dude (ODWYERVISUALS)
275.122 In reply to 275.109 
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you both (Michael and Frenchy Pilou) SO MUCH for making this happen for me!!! This capability in MoI opens up (as Frenchy Pilou put it) "infinite possibilities!" AWESOME!!!

This whole thread portion in retrospective ( 275.105 through 275.114) opens up two VERY amazing possibilities within MoI.. for instance:

1) The potential clearly now exists through this same method of making 3D fractals within MoI !!!

By using this method and alternating it with a combination of current MoI scaling and mirroring/symmetry commands (manually or within a script) one may now readily create both scalar and directional/symmetrical itterations of any object within MoI - "MOI 3D FRACTALS" !!!!!!

(I am "psyched" about this!!!)

2) At the end of that thread portion (275.111 through 275.114) the discussion which ensued between JTB and Petr / tyglik gave me an additional idea I'd like to bounce off of Michael...

Michael... how about:

...a single icon which when clicked opens up a simple child window with a filedialog where a user may:

A) Select any existing custom command script (like the command you gave us all here in response to Frenchy Pilou's request)

B) Select a "MoI-friendly icon" for it

C) Add a BRIEF custom command name to it

D) Assign all this to a scrollable "Custom Commands Launchpad" area within this very same window.

This, in my mind at least, would take a load off of you with respect to future balancing of your existing (and highly desireable, I should add) "Minimalist" approach to the MoI GUI Design, and the increasing/inevitable requests for more and more new commands from the power users.

What do you think about the idea?

- 3dvisuals dude
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.123 In reply to 275.122 
Hi dude
Before the fractal moi 3D maybe you can try this free crazzy amazing prog! Chaoscope!
Amazing ergonomy! Only 3 keys !
F3 choose F4 Launch the Calculate Esc stop the process
And move(+shift) Rotate Zoom by the mouse : a task !
(you have some formula of factal inside : but don't affraid no need to be Einstein Just click on a word :D)
Have fun! (Alas it's only 2D but it's yet not so bad :)
My images of the day :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 15 Feb 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  3dvisuals dude (ODWYERVISUALS)
275.124 In reply to 275.123 
AWESOME Images!!!!

Thanks for the link, I'm grabbing it now!!!

3dvisuals dude
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 From:  Michael Gibson
275.125 In reply to 275.122 
Hi 3dvisuals dude,

> What do you think about the idea? (custom script / macro launcher thingy).

Yup, this is a great idea. I've been thinking of something pretty much along these lines to make it easier for someone to launch a custom script or command.

Probably at first it will just be a list of names so it will look a lot like the recent files listed under the file menu - I was thinking it could list everything it finds within a certain folder, something like a "plugins" folder.

Definitely something is necessary to make it easier to launch custom commands without needing to set up a keyboard shortcut for it.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
275.126 In reply to 275.125 

For the fractal I refound the free father prog Fractint :) (dos) windows :)

free Chaos Pro the son of the father :D

Free Fractal explorer

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 16 Feb 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  JTB
New small wish about images : Control the size with numbers, not just those grips...more accurate
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