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 From:  Michael Gibson
2741.5 In reply to 2741.1 
Wow, that is looking great Dave!

- Michael
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 From:  andras
Huuu Man !

:D great great great I was waiting fot this.
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 From:  rhodesy
Brilliant work this is really exciting, thanks Dave
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 From:  nycL45
Dave, is a programming background necessary? How difficult is it to put this to work?

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 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
2741.9 In reply to 2741.8 
>Dave, is a programming background necessary? How difficult is it to put this to work?

I started to write a long answer to this question, but decided on a shorter one instead...

Q) Is a programming background necessary?
A) To do simple things, probably not. To do more complex things, probably yes.

Q) How difficult is it to put this to work?
A) It depends. Michael already has provided lots of simple one-liner scripts that you can bind to keys. That's pretty easy, and something the docs I'm writing will help you explore. Beyond that there are lots of possibilities, with varying ranges of complexity to implement. I'm still looking at ways to approach this.

- Dave Morrill
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 From:  nycL45
2741.10 In reply to 2741.9 
That is clear enough.

Yep, Michael has made his one-liners easy and friendly looking. Your evolving docs indicated something else and prompted my question.

Thanks Dave.

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