Ayam Can Import 3DM - Renderman
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 From:  Michael Gibson
274.6 In reply to 274.5 
> maybe MOI will finally become a software with 300 buttons
> and commands but so far, this is my opinion.

I've actually heard a lot of people worry about what will happen in the future, with regard to the UI getting more complex.

Eventually at some point way in the future, MoI might have 300 buttons. But the big thing is that they will not be all showing on the screen all at once!

In future versions when more stuff is added, they will show up as additional tabs in the side pane, but they will be collapsed by default. So you won't see all the buttons until you go activate the tab for that set of functionality.

MoI's UI was designed with this type of expansion in mind, so that future progress should not spoil it! :)

For example right now I count 75 buttons available over on the side pane, but because of the UI structure, these don't all whap you in the face all at once.

- Michael
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 From:  snation
274.7 In reply to 274.5 
Not comparing. I wouldn't use it for modelling, really. The point is this, it can import *.3dm files,
texture them, and render them, as a Renderman *.rib file. Moi, modelling; Ayam, rendering.
If renderman interests you, then Ayam might as well. If renderman doesn't, then it won't.
The GUI designed in TCL/TK, i have never liked it's apperearance. But, it's creator does work
on it. I hardly mess with the buttons and it's not that hard to figure it all out. Blender has a
complex interface, with plenty of features. I don't truly like it's GUI but I do use it because i like
getting to the end product, which is the rendering.
MOI is an excellent and focussed modeller, which i truly appreciate. I use Silo a lot and like the
1.42 version, but, dislike the 2.0 because it is adding features i don't need into it. Zbrush already
does much of where it's going. I like a simple and focused interface, which you are right, Ayam is
not. However, if you want to prettify and render you're grey geometry, on the cheap, this is a path.
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