Keeping layers during meshing of Rhino objects -> OBJ -> Rhino
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2720.17 In reply to 2720.16 
Yes, I am a case in point ... I do architectural work as well as landscape architecture. I use Rhino for all my 2d drafting these days. Rhino is a pretty good 3d modeler, too, but I have come to prefer MoI for most modeling as it seems faster and more intuitive for most work. There are a few things it won't do with surfaces that Rhino does well ... so, I shift back and forth between the two as needed. Because of the drafting aspect I do use Rhino more hours of the day most of the time ... modeling (including rendering) takes up to 20% of each project but the other 80% is spent with dimensioned, detailed, drawings and notes ... MoI is not the tool for that.

It would be wonderful if one tool would do it all perfectly ... but one should not try to use a hammer for fine saw cuts.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2720.18 In reply to 2720.1 
Hi Micha, just a note on object names.

For the next beta I've added an option to control whether to combine meshes for objects of the same name or not, it will be under
Options > Import/Export > Combine same named objects.

However, Rhino's OBJ importer seems to automatically combine objects with the same name even if they are listed as separate objects. Probably you can repeat this in Rhino, do something like make 3 boxes with all the same name, export to OBJ and read it back in again.

So probably you've had this combining behavior for a while without really knowing about it anyway.

But that export batch script will not have this issue since part of that script puts a unique name on every object.

- Michael
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 From:  Micha
2720.19 In reply to 2720.18 
Ah, good to know. Thank you for the MoI option.
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