V2 beta Jun-23-2009 available now
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 From:  Michael Gibson
A little demo of what the new "Align to surface" option in Array curve can do now.

Here is a curve that has been projected on to a surface, and a cylinder that has been drawn aligned to the surface normal at the start of the curve:

With the regular array curve, you can replicate that cylinder along the curve, but it will have a general gradual rotation applied to it, which will not necessarily keep it aligned with the surface normal at all points:

Notice there especially towards the end, it is not very close at all to the surface normal anymore, it just does not know anything about the surface so it does not take it specifically into account.

However, there is now a new "Align to surface" button in the options for array curve, here:

If you push that, you will be able to pick a surface and that will inform array curve that you want to maintain alignment to the surface normal of that surface. When this is engaged, array curve will incorporate an additional rotation into each array instance, to keep it relative to the surface normal at that point, to get this result:

To have everything in the final result aligned to follow right along the surface normal, you do need to have the initial item already placed in alignment to the surface normal at the starting point of the array though. In the future at some point it would probably be good to have a sort of "auto place" mechanism for this similar to the auto-place mode for sweeps, so that you could have an initial object located flat in world coordinates and have it moved into place for you.

- Michael

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 From:  WillBellJr
Fantastic work, Michael!

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
There a lot of stuff here, Great work!

I really like the offset capping feature!

I've noticed that if you subtract from an object of a different style, the object will have that different style in the new face(s) generated.

Is there a way that object would always keep the original style, the first operand in Booleans?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.26 In reply to 2711.25 
Hi Marc,

> I've noticed that if you subtract from an object of a
> different style, the object will have that different style
> in the new face(s) generated.

Yup, that's actually a feature that took quite a bit of work to achieve! :)

In that case, the faces that are created are not really completely new, they come from trimming faces of the operands.

Anytime that there is this kind of ancestor relationship where the face can be traced back to its source, the style of the ancestor face is maintained.

The reason why that is good is it allows for things like this - here I have a little knob that I want to array and cut out of a larger piece:

If I know in advance that I want the knob cutouts to have a different render material than the slab body, then I can at this point before the boolean assign the knob to have a particular style of "Knob" or whatever, and then after I do the array that style will replicate to the copies, and then after I do the boolean with the arrayed pieces the style will again be maintained on the fragments of the knobs.

So now there is not any further work to be done for assigning styles to all those little bits - because the styles propogated through the various operations including booleans, just setting up the one style initially let me avoid having to try to do it later to all the numerous little fragments.

Anyway, that's why it is set up with that method.

This is a bit of an unusual function for CAD modelers, many CAD systems are often more rigidly limited to only allow a single style for an entire solid and not have the ability to have different styles for individual faces of a solid. So it may be kind of different from what you are used to because of that.

I've thought about making some option that you could set to change how this worked and impose a "one style for final result" limit on the booleans though. I'll take a look at adding that in for the next beta.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2711.27 In reply to 2711.26 
Objectives lens targets revealed :)
Fog is disappearing bit by bit for me :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Colin
2711.28 In reply to 2711.23 
Hi Michael,

Congrats on another great Beta.

This new feature of "Align to Surface" will be a big winner with those using MoI for jewellery designs.
The laying out of stones onto a rings curved surface was always one of those jobs I'd dread.
Looking forward to trying this out & seeing how it all goes.

regards Colin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.29 In reply to 2711.28 
Hi Colin, thanks!

Yes, I was hoping that the Align to Surface function would help out with jewelry stuff, I have heard from people before that they needed that function.

The only trick with it is that you will need to make the initial starting object to be positioned to be aligned with the surface normal. Then with this new option the replicated copies will all be aligned to the normal at each of their locations.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
2711.30 In reply to 2711.26 
Hi Michael, this makes much sense and is indeed quite handy!!

Recently I didn't do much rendering stuff, just line data from solids so I guess it's more 'cad' oriented
What's tricky is that I do not realize it right away, some parts are just left floating when I try to hide styles later on.

I guess I just have to remember to sort colors before doing boole laundry!

Maybe a inline operation ticker or an choice in the options panel would be nice. (The .Ini file would be a bit deep to switch)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.31 In reply to 2711.30 
Hi Marc, I had been thinking of an .ini switch for that since it seems like something you would want to set once and then leave it that way (if that was how you expected booleans to generally work with styles) rather than something you would be switching on and off again all the time.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
2711.32 In reply to 2711.31 
Hi Michael,

You're probably right, a .ini switch would do the trick. I imagine It would not change that much in work situation.
I would have imagined it as a special condition, like: 'ok this time I want to use the 'apply style' on this operation'.

This is a great feature but for the kind of work I do those days, it would be an exception for me.

No big deal there, just small workflow details.

Sometime l wish other software were written in the spirit you handle this project!
I just think of photoshop's 1.2gb installer and I don't feel well.

Moi is really one of the great computing experience I've had.



EDITED: 26 Jun 2009 by TELLIER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.33 In reply to 2711.32 
Hi Marc, I'll try to think about that a little bit more.

I was thinking of possibly doing this option specifically for the booleans, but there are also other situations that can result in a multi-style solid like Join... So maybe it should be a more general kind of option that affects all solids that are created.

Also another way to get a multi-style solid is to just select one face out of the solid and set its style to something else. I don't think that I will try to disallow this one though.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
2711.34 In reply to 2711.33 
Hi Michael, like I've said it's no big deal and it may not be worth it if a lot of work is involved.


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Just noticed that the options pallet for export of OBJ now has a scale factor! Is that new to the Jun-23 beta or have I just been sleeping!

No need to keep swapping out my units! SWEET!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.36 In reply to 2711.35 
Hi AW - actually that OBJ scale factor option has been in there since MoI version 1.

I'm glad that it will be useful!

- Michael
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2711.37 In reply to 2711.36 
What on earth have been doing - sheesh! Deduct 10 points for not paying attention...here I was changing units every time I got ready to export!

So far so good with the latest beta (not sure that carries any weight with my latest observation), and as always Michael great job!
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
Hi Michael,

Can PointObjects have a styles color as well next time?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.39 In reply to 2711.38 
Hi Paolo,

> Can PointObjects have a styles color as well next time?

I'll see what I can do about that.

- Michael
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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
2711.40 In reply to 2711.1 
Hi Michael,

Just realised that there is a new beta. Great stuff. Will be downloading tonight.

Just wondering, has there been any progress implementing groups?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2711.41 In reply to 2711.40 
Hi Mark,

> Just wondering, has there been any progress implementing groups?

No, not quite yet - still have a couple of the very last details relating to styles in progress first.

- Michael
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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
2711.42 In reply to 2711.41 
Is groups something that will make it into V2 final Michael?


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