OT - Modo 401 in two days.
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 From:  -ash-
2693.16 In reply to 2693.15 
401 is pretty cool - love the new profile stuff.


(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  WillBellJr
Now it doesn't get much better than that! - great work, PaQ!

Makes me sorta wish I had joined on the Modo bandwagon. :-P

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 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
2693.18 In reply to 2693.3 
> Let me know if they have made scene setup improvements to 401. I have been holding off on upgrading because it has been a bit of a pain for me to setup quick renders and have them look decent. Thanks.

The new version is really great for this. I just got MoI this week-end (after getting my modo 401 upgrade on Friday), and I've been having a blast creating "doodles" in MoI while I learn the tool set, exporting them into Modo, then setting up a quick test render. I think I did a total of seven complete "scenes" yesterday. One of the things I did is create a separate custom stand-alone window/layout in modo containing just a preview view and the preset browser view. Then I can quickly import a new MoI model and set up a test scene just by dragging and dropping materials and environments right from the presets into the preview. Slick! This works really well with MoI 2.0's new ability to create surface groups...

Dave Morrill
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 From:  OSTexo
2693.19 In reply to 2693.18 
Hello Dave,

I've been tinkering with it as well but am having problems with the drag and drop materials. For some reason when I import separate meshes from MoI into 401 and try to do the drag and drop materials it doesn't work past two materials and begins assigning materials to different objects incorrectly. I also have a weird frozen noise problem that occasionally happens in the preview render window. If I could get the materials assigned correctly it would be perfect since I have no problem setting the environment and quickly rendering some good looking images (for an amateur that is).
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2693.20 In reply to 2693.19 
Hi OSTexo -

> For some reason when I import separate meshes from MoI
> into 401 and try to do the drag and drop materials it doesn't
> work past two materials and begins assigning materials to
> different objects incorrectly.

If you can possibly narrow this down to a small example file, could you please post the Modo file so that another Modo user could check it out?

Maybe they can then give you a tip on how it is supposed to work in Modo, or if they can reproduce the problem that could help to verify if it is a bug in Modo or something like that.

- Michael
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 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
2693.21 In reply to 2693.19 
I'm no expert on MoI yet, but let me tell you how I set up the MoI file that seemed to work fine when imported into modo as far as assigning materials goes:

- In MoI, I would select one or more objects that I wanted to assign the same material to, then click on a color swatch in the "Styles" palette (say Green).
- Then I would click on the "unnamed" item in the properties sheet in the top right hand corner of the MoI window and enter a name for the items in the pop-up dialog that appears (e.g. "foo").
- Then I would export a .obj file (e.g. "MoI_test.obj") and import it into modo.

When I imported the .obj into modo, I observed the following:

- In the modo "Items" list, there would be a group with the same name as the .obj file I imported (i.e. ""MoI_test").
- Inside the group would be a modo mesh with the name "foo" containing the set of MoI objects I had called "foo".
- In the "Shader Tree" tab, there would be a material called "Green", corresponding to the MoI "style" I had assigned to the items.

My guess is that you did not assign your MoI objects a MoI "style", which means they probably all ended up using the default modo Shader Tree material. So all the drag and drop stuff you did in modo was probably just replacing the same material over and over. Just a guess though.

Hope that helps...

Dave Morrill
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 From:  PaQ
2693.22 In reply to 2693.21 
Hello there,

No problems here either as far as you prepare you surface as style.
That's having said I havn't work yet on complex scene.


As Michael said, feel free to up your modo scene or example, I can have a look at it.
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 From:  -ash-
2693.23 In reply to 2693.22 
I can't reproduce this either. If you upload a scene I'l take a look as well, many head make better bug hunt :-)

Might be useful to post a step by step of your workflow too.


(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  OSTexo
2693.24 In reply to 2693.21 
Hello Dave,

Thank you very much, that did the trick. I was importing from different files and will investigate a little further how 401 is organizing (or trying to) so as not to allow the drag and drop when importing from multiple files. Even after backing to square one and starting to apply materials using this it didn't want to work. If I find out anything I'll post it here. Again, thanks for your help, your workaround works perfectly.
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 From:  Schbeurd
If you import mesh items with no materials in Modo, everytime you drag and drop a material from the presets, it will replace the current material for all objects.
So as already mentioned you can apply styles in MoI. The various styles will become materials in Modo and you can then drag and drop other materials from the presets on individual objects (or polygon sets).

The other solution is to select the various items and assign them a different material (one for every item). To do this, select your item in "item mode" and press "M". You can then drag and drop various materials on your objects.

By default, everytime you drag and drop a material on an object, the previous material will disappear from the shader tree. If you want to keep the "old" material in the shader tree, press Shift while you drag and drop.

Hope this helps
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