huge size of file with exlpoded lines
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2678.2 In reply to 2678.1 
Hi okapi - that problem is due to the history records that are generated on each of the lines.

Every time you run a command, the parameters of that command are stored on the output objects, so that it is possible to alter the inputs and replay the command to update the objects.

But in a case like this, the history data is actually pretty large since you had a large selection of objects that went into the command. When the record of your selection gets attached to all the output objects, it makes for a lot of extra data in this case. It is a lot of repeated data which is why it compresses so well in the .rar file.

One way you can fix it for now is to save to a file format that will not contain history, for example .igs format. Then if you read your curves back in from that .igs file the history data will be stripped and you should then be back to your original file size again.

I'll see what I can do to tune this up, probably for a couple of commands that may deal with a large selection of objects I should not store the history data on the output objects just for a few key commands.

Also for the next v2 beta I'll add something in to make it possible to set up a keyboard shortcut to remove history data.

For v3 I'm probably going to be trying to overhaul the history mechanism.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2678.3 In reply to 2678.2 
Hi Michael...

>For v3 I'm probably going to be trying to overhaul the history mechanism.
What kind of history ?
It will be interesting...


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2678.4 In reply to 2678.3 
Hi Anis,

> What kind of history ?
> It will be interesting...

Well, basically an extension of MoI's current history mechanism.

Currently history updates work in MoI only if it is able to find all the input objects inside of the current model.

Any objects that have been deleted will break the "history chain", and that includes operations like booleans which essentially work by replacing an object with a new version which means the previous version of the object is deleted.

I'd like to have a general mechanism to store old versions of objects so that a history update could find them and enable longer chains of updates through some commands that don't currently work with history updates.

It may take a lot of work to make that happen though, so I'm not completely sure how it will all turn out yet or if it will even be feasible for me to complete it in v3. I won't really know more until I get a chance to work on it in some more detail in the v3 time period.

- Michael
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 From:  okapi
Thanks Michael,
yes it would be good to have a key to remove history on selected items at once.
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