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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

Is there a way for commands not to remember the last input values and reset to no values, reason being, as you noticed in the video if I do a new taper the last value will apply the taper on the object which in turn doesn't allow me to pick an accurate height off the object, if unknown, I'll be picking the length of the hypotenuse which would give me an incorrect value for the height.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2662.13 In reply to 2662.12 
Hi Danny, there isn't currently any kind of "check box" type option for that.

But you can get that by modifying the UI for a particular command.

If you go to the \commands subfolder, and open up the file Chamfer.htm in a text editor like notepad, you'll see 2 controls listed in there with IDs of "distanceinput1" and "distanceinput2".

On each of them there is an attribute set of style="persist:true;" . If you remove that (you can just edit it to say style="") then the next time you run MoI the chamfer command will no longer have its distance values initialized to the previously used ones.

That would get you set up with that right now, let me know if you have any difficulties with getting it to work.

I'm not really sure about how to make an easier way to do that though - for the most part remembering settings tends to be beneficial since it can help to get the same settings applied without any extra messing around when you are trying to repeat the command many times to apply the same action to a bunch of different objects.

Even in your case here you probably want to have the "Use 2 distances" checkbox option be remembered between runs of the chamfer command right, just not the distance fields?

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2662.14 In reply to 2662.13 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for that, does this hack apply to all commands ?

> Even in your case here you probably want to have
> the "Use 2 distances" checkbox option be remembered
> between runs of the chamfer command right,
> just not the distance fields?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2662.15 In reply to 2662.14 
Hi Danny,

> Thanks for that, does this hack apply to all commands ?

Yup, pretty much - it does depend a bit on the specific controls being used though.

For numeric input fields, they actually default to non-persisting (since there are several things like circle and rectangle where those values do not persist) and to make it persist there will be a style="persist:true" on these controls, which you can remove if you want. Those are present for these commands: ArrayCircular, Chamfer, Fillet, Move (Distance from edge option), Offset and Shell.

Some other controls like checkboxes default to being persisted but you can add a style="persist:false" on those controls to make them not persist as well.

- Michael
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 From:  neo
Danny thanks for that, much appreciated, I had no idea that is possible.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2662.17 In reply to 2662.9 
Hi Pilou,

I've managed to increase the audio volume and decrease the file size of the video.
Hope this is better. Just use the same link above.

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 From:  BurrMan
2662.18 In reply to 2662.17 
Hi Danny,

I used your info to help a friend today!

I was wondering if you could tell me how to reverse engineer to get the angle from the distance 1 value. I know MoI can just use 2 distances, but if I want to know the angle I just created, I would like the math. I also know MoIcan tell me what the angle is, but was just wondering if you knew the formula to go the other way?

Thanks again.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2662.19 In reply to 2662.18 
Hi Burr,

I'm not exactly clear on what your asking, you need to know 2 values of a right angle triangle to find the unknown, so if you have 2 known distances you can calculate the angle. If you have an angle and a distance you can calculate the unknown distance.
I've attached a trigonometry example sheet which shows the formulas used for the different knowns and unknowns.

Is this what you meant ?


EDITED: 30 Jun 2009 by DANTAS


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 From:  BurrMan
2662.20 In reply to 2662.19 
That covers it D. Sorry to ask you to be my math teacher. I do appreciate it.

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