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 From:  Michael Gibson
2645.5 In reply to 2645.4 
Thanks Danny!

Another kind of interesting effect of this is that you can do a kind of batch curve thickening by using the "By Distance" offset mode (rather than through point mode) along with "Both sides" and "Cap ends", like this:

Then that's a boolean union at the end.

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2645.6 In reply to 2645.5 
Hi Michael,

Do the initial input curves stay highlighted for deletion or do they auto delete when the 'end cap' option is ticked?

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 From:  Anis
2645.7 In reply to 2645.3 
Hi Michael....

> in this case it has "Both sides" also enabled
So, Will it work for "one side" ?
Because sometimes I want create the outer wall as the main/datum size not the middle size.

Thanks Michael...

@Danny.... :)
I think just manually deleting is ok.
So no need extra option added to the offset command I think.

Cheers !!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2645.8 In reply to 2645.6 
Hi Danny,

> Do the initial input curves stay highlighted for deletion or do
> they auto delete when the 'end cap' option is ticked?

It depends on whether you have "both sides" enabled or not - if you have it enabled then the result is kind of grown around the input curves and the input curves remain (they 're selected so you can delete them if you want with the Delete command). This is what is shown in the above screencaps.

But if you do "cap ends" with "both sides" turned off, it will replace the input curves, because otherwise it would generate a result that had some new pieces exactly overlapping on top of the inputs. With this method it is kind of like "growing" the input curve to one side so it seems to be better to replace the input in this case.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2645.9 In reply to 2645.7 
Hi Anis,

> So, Will it work for "one side" ?

Yup, that's actually the default - just leave "Both sides" turned off to get that.

Basically you can use whatever options are in curve offset currently, just when you turn on "Cap ends" it will additionally put in line segments to close the ends off.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2645.10 In reply to 2645.9 
It will very helpful Michael...

When the next beta will come up ?

Thanks :)
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 From:  rhodesy
Sweet thanks for this michael, this will be another real time saver can't wait to get my hands on the next beta. Will the next beta have styles export functioning for mesh export or is that still to be done?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2645.12 In reply to 2645.10 
Hi Anis,

> When the next beta will come up ?

Not exactly sure yet... I still have some things to fix up for styles yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2645.13 In reply to 2645.11 
Hi Rob,

> Will the next beta have styles export functioning for mesh
> export or is that still to be done?

Well, at the moment that part is still not done yet, but I do want to try and get it done so it can be in the next beta.

- Michael
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