Hi crydee, thanks I'm glad you like MoI!
Yes, I also wish that fillet was able to handle more things - there are some improvements to it in v2 though.
The kind of project that you are doing there with a lot of more freeform surfaces curved in many directions (rather than mechanical stuff like extrusions and revolutions) tends to be more difficult stuff for the filleter to handle well.
Fillet in general is a quite complex calculation - it involves all kinds of offsets, intersections, extensions, surface/surface trimming, etc... Because it involves so many complex calculations, it can tend to be rather fragile, if any one of those calculations has a problem it can interfere with the fillet being created properly.
If you can reduce the complexity of your inputs to the filleter, like not having more edges than necessary, trying to avoid ripples in surfaces, trying to have only the smallest number of surfaces instead of a lot of fragments, stuff like that can help to a certain degree.
You may generally want to use Fillet more in areas that have more simple structures to them, more like you had in the bumper area.
In areas that are kind of broader flowing portions, often Blend can be kind of better to use in those situations.
- Michael