Curve Offset split

 From:  Lemo (LEMONNADO)

I have a curve which is a join of two curves. I offset that to one side and it splits open. As of the joined curve is sill consisting out of two. The problem is that the two new offset curve parts are not 'fitting' to the original curve. They are offset in 3dspace as well to each other and a simple 'patch' ruins the continuity.
How can I join two curves so that they are not 'split'?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2622.2 In reply to 2622.1 
Hi Lemo, could you please post a .3dm model file with your curves?

Getting the actual curves to look at really makes it easier to understand what you are describing.

It sounds like probably your curves are touching each other with a sharp corner rather than being tangent where they touch one another.

If you join 2 curves together, it will make a curve made out of 2 segments, and when you do an offset the offset segments should get extended to touch one another.

If you want to have only one segment in the joined curve, then you can turn on Control points (Edit/Show pts), and select the control point where the segments are joined and delete it, that will fuse those 2 segments together into just a single segment.

I could give you some more specific advice if I had the model file to look at though.

- Michael
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 From:  Lemo (LEMONNADO)
Here is an extreme sample...
I made it in V2b and it works much better as in V1..... The curve in the middle is the 'original'. Previously the outer one was not achievable...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2622.4 In reply to 2622.3 
Hi Lemo, I see - but in the case you show here the segments for your curves are not all in the same plane.

Offset is generally much more predictable when done on curves that have all their pieces within a single plane.

As you've seen, it will actually work to do it on ones that are non-planar, but I think you may run into some problems with the corner extensions in that case, and they may need some manual cleanup.

From what I can see from what you are trying to do here, you probably want to edit your curved part so that it has an ending tangent going in a horizontal direction - for example if I take this curve from your file:

When I turn on control points, I see this point structure:

If you look closely you can see that the last 2 points of the curve are not horizontally aligned, they have a slight angle to them:

That means that the curve's tangent is not horizontal either at the end of the curve, it has a angular deviation from horizontal which means that when offset, the offset of the end will travel in that perpendicular direction which will not be exactly vertical and will make it to deviate away from the line segment.

If you edit the last 2 control points (either with the edit frame using the Flat snap, or with Transform/Align) so that they are trued up to be horizontal to one another like this:

Then your offset should work a lot better since the pieces will be tangent to one another and their offsets will naturally touch one another without any extensions being necessary.

I've attached a tuned up version offset_2.3dm which you can try.

Also, one other note on Offset - sometimes the mechanism that detects self-intersections in the offset portion and trims them out can get confused and trim away too much. When that happens, try unchecking the "Trim" option (which shows up in the command options area when doing a curve offset) so that you get the raw offset shape which then you can manually trim as needed.

- Michael

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