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 From:  rhodesy
Yes how stupid of me with the tab key suggestion - completely forgot about its current use - just used to using it in archicad, so another key maybe.

OK for the example: draw a rectangle then extrude it upwards a bit then try selecting a bottom edge of the newly formed solid. You should only be able to select the original rectangle. This is a very simplifyed example and can easily be got around I agree. The thing is if you need curves switched on for another part of the operation - the rectangle has to stay unless you put it on another style.

Unfortunately I can't think just now of a specific part of a specific file where I have had this problem but it does raise its head now and again, i will be sure to post a file when i next encounter it so sorry for the lack of a decent example. I had one on a test file i had the other day but didn't save the file (I often take half an hour and do test files to try my skills on an imaginary but realistic scenario so i know how to go about it if i need to in the future - trouble is i rarely save them - but will do in the future).

I can see how annoying it would be to have a popup box appearing all the time but maybe a hotkey could bring one up?

Thanks for listening anyway, much appreciated, i really don't know how you do it!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2621.4 In reply to 2621.3 
Hi Rob,

> OK for the example: draw a rectangle then extrude it
> upwards a bit then try selecting a bottom edge of the
> newly formed solid. You should only be able to select
> the original rectangle.

Actually, I have been thinking about doing a popup just for this one particular situation specifically of edge / curve overlap. (but probably won't make it in for v2 though).

If I can detect just this situation and open up a 2-item popup, I don't think it will be as distracting as a fully general popup.

But the reason why I've thought about that is mostly to help out people who did not realize that they had a curve there. If you know you have an overlapping curve there you can fix this situation quite easily (like you mention) by hiding the curve.

> This is a very simplifyed example and can easily be got
> around I agree. The thing is if you need curves switched
> on for another part of the operation - the rectangle has to
> stay unless you put it on another style.

If you have other curves that you want to leave on, then what you do for this situation is select just that one curve first, and use Edit/Hide to hide it, rather than the browser.

The "old fashioned" Edit/Hide command just hides what is currently selected - if you need to hide just one particular object that does not currently fit with a browser slot, just select it and hit Edit/Hide and it will be out of your hair...

For the next release I've also updated Edit/Hide to have an "isolate" mode on it as well if you right-click it.

But yeah, next time if you run into a problem like this in a test file, it would definitely be a big help if you could save the file so I could take a look!

- Michael
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 From:  rhodesy
I think this is the type of occasion where this happens the most often where there are base splines that have been used to create shapes that are hanging around and then this situation occurs halfway through selecting 101 splines and then it becomes annoying!

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2621.6 In reply to 2621.4 
Hi Michael,

I come across this situation from time to time also, I think I've metioned it in the past.
Re: pop up, instead of having an 'in your face' pop up always appearing when you mouse over a stack of entities, could you have a small symbol appear next to the cursor to indicate that there is more than on entity and then either right or left mouse button, hold and popup will appear, in this way you call for the popup when you want.

Meanwhile, when I do come across this situation we are talking about, I'll drop you a post.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2621.7 In reply to 2621.5 
Hi Rob,

> I think this is the type of occasion where this happens
> the most often where there are base splines that have
> been used to create shapes that are hanging around

Yup, that's what tends to happen. It's not a bad idea to get in the habit of hiding or deleting your base curves after you have used them to create something.

They are normally selected right then so you can hit Hide or Delete right then to get them out of your way in advance...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2621.8 In reply to 2621.6 
Hi Danny,

> Re: pop up, instead of having an 'in your face' pop up
> always appearing when you mouse over a stack of entities,
> could you have a small symbol appear next to the cursor to
> indicate that there is more than on entity and then either
> right or left mouse button, hold and popup will appear, in
> this way you call for the popup when you want.

That may actually be too subtle though - one reason why I want to add this in the future is for more beginning users who get stuck because they don't know that they are selecting a curve object rather than an edge.

Those beginning users probably won't know what a small symbol means, that's why it could use a small popup with text labels to solve this particular workflow problem for beginners.

> Meanwhile, when I do come across this situation we are
> talking about, I'll drop you a post.

That would be great. Usually though there is a solution to such things which is to hide the things that are getting your your way and interfering from being able to target the thing you want.

- Michael
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