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 From:  Schbeurd
2599.47 In reply to 2599.45 
I knew there would be several options for the user to choose from ! :-)
Personally, I like the idea of an "alternate copy command".

Thanks Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2599.48 In reply to 2599.47 
Hi Bernard, yeah the idea for the alternate copy command is that it would be launched by a Right-click on Edit/Copy, or by doing Ctrl+Shift+C (instead of just Ctrl+C).

That will then ask you to pick an origin point which will be used to define the base point for "PastePart".

So that will be one of the easier ways to use this - if you want to do a Copy/Paste with this repositioning mechanism, use Ctrl+Shift+C to copy it instead of just plain Ctrl+C so you can pick the base point, and use Ctrl+Shift+V to paste it instead of just plain Ctrl+V.

That allows the simple regular Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V behavior to remain the same instead of making extra steps for them.

- Michael
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 From:  neo
once again a very intelligent solution by you Michael.
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 From:  Jesse
2599.50 In reply to 2599.48 
Hi Michael,

Very cool tool!

PastePart looks like it's going to be really useful for positioning gemstones and prongs.

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 From:  Fredrik (FREDRIKW)
Wow that's fantastic.

I like your videos too, they really show the possibilities of using snaps and temporary guides actively.

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