Boolean problem
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 From:  manitwo
257.4 In reply to 257.3 
Hi Michael,

First i want to thank you for that great, wonderfull, amazing, extremly easy-to-use, hardly to believe it is for free, did i say "great"?, application!
Everthing was going great till i came up with that boolean-bug.
In case you want my file for bug-hunting:
hope this helps ;-)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
257.5 In reply to 257.4 
Why you don't up load directly here?
Rapidshare is a little complex to use for beginners :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
257.6 In reply to 257.4 
Hi Manitwo thanks, I'm glad that you like MoI!

> hardly to believe it is for free

I just want to make sure you know that only the beta is free - once the beta period is over the actual released product won't be free.

Thanks for putting up that boolean bug example file. This boolean bug is fixed by some boolean tune-ups that are coming for the next beta, which will be pretty soon. There is still one quirk with it though, (a mesh display problem) I will see if I can fix that up as well.

Thank you!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
257.7 In reply to 257.6 
I've fixed the display problem as well now, so this boolean is all working for the next beta.

It looks like the new tune-ups in the next beta will help with booleans quite a lot.

- Michael
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 From:  manitwo
257.8 In reply to 257.7 
Hi guys,

> Why you don't up load directly here?
Ooo ... saw that too late - sorry

> ...once the beta period is over the actual released product won't be free.
Oh, ok. :)

> I've fixed the display problem as well now, so this boolean is all working for the next beta.
coool - can't wait to test it.

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