Phone video tutorial
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2563.2 In reply to 2563.1 
Another cool one lyes!

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2563.3 In reply to 2563.2 

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2563.4 In reply to 2563.1 
Hi lyes, some really cool techniques in there, I like the buttons!

You had a few things asking about blending earlier, that is something that I definitely want to improve in the future, hopefully I can make some progress for v3.

Also I do expect to eventually have decals, again something for the future.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Allo, allo? Cool tut as usuall!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
2563.6 In reply to 2563.4 
Hi Michael is it possible to make center point off circle and arc visible when selected and move them from the center without calling move command ,
when i was modling i have created an arc and i was looking for its center point to snap to it to make sphere?
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
2563.7 In reply to 2563.6 
Another great video! When I can make that cell phone I'll consider myself an expert :)

The nice thing about videos is they tie all the tools together. It's one thing to know what a tool does, it's another to see how it gets used.

I'd like to see someone produce a series of videos, with audio, that go slower and concentrate on just one or two techniques at a time. Then newbies like me can absorb one lesson at a time before moving on. Sort of a "MoI for Dummies" in video format.

Seattle, WA
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 From:  d^^b (DAVID)
Hello lyes:

Thank you very much for share your skills with us.
Great video tutorial.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2563.9 In reply to 2563.6 
Hi lyes,

> Hi Michael is it possible to make center point off circle and
> arc visible when selected and move them from the center
> without calling move command

I do want to give that a try in the future.

Do you think a center point should be shown only for circles and arcs, or for every object?

One thing I am a bit worried about is putting in grips that may possibly interfere with working on the object if they get in the way too much. That's why I did not try to do that initially. But I would like to give it a try when I get a chance to work on it.

- Michael
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
2563.10 In reply to 2563.9 
Hi Michael i think center off circle arc elips with option to enable and disable and without grips just a yellow point that way we can test it and see if it is goining to work or not
if it does not work for moving the object, center point visiblity for snaping i think is a must just small grey or black cross is good enough

EDITED: 9 Apr 2009 by BLYESS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2563.11 In reply to 2563.10 
Hi lyes,

> center point visiblity for snaping i think is a must
> just small grey or black cross is good enough

Actually there should already be a small gray X being shown at center point snaps, same as for all snaps, unless you have possibly turned that off?

This is what it should look like - notice the small X markers that appear on osnap targets that are within a semi-wide area around the mouse:

You can see one above there marking the center point as an available snap, as well as one on each of the 2 nearest quadrants.

By default those are on, but it is possible to turn them off in moi.ini, check your moi.ini file under the [Drawing Aids] section for these values:


If you have it set to ObjectSnapShowMarkers=n, then change it back to =y to enable them. Also you can increase the opacity value there to make them more substantial, that value can go up to 255 for being fully opaque.

- Michael

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 From:  rayman
I´ve more then once looked for a centerpoint for squares and rectangles too 1
centerpoint is a good idea !
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
2563.13 In reply to 2563.11 
Hi Michael if you have big arc and try to snap to its center point you have to look for it!!
for circle its ok you can zoom out and try put the mouse in the midel off circle to snap to its center
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2563.14 In reply to 2563.13 
Hi lyes, I guess I'm not sure I understand - you previously wrote:

> just small grey or black cross is good enough

You should already be seeing a small gray cross. It will show up if you get your mouse in the general area of the center point, the default is that markers are displayed for snap points within 100 pixels of your mouse.

You can adjust the radius if you want inside of moi.ini, under the [Drawing Aids] section, look for this entry:

Here is a screenshot of what you should be seeing with an arc:

That's a small gray cross, right? Are you not seeing those markers yourself?

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
2563.15 In reply to 2563.14 
The only time I dont see it is when I dont have a command selected. Could he just be wanting the ability to see it with no command selected? Or possibly in a complicated model finding that point could get cluttered? so the ability to define it?

Just trying to follow along.

Maybe with the new styles the ability for that point to take on the styles property?
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
2563.16 In reply to 2563.14 
HI Michaeal yes is like Burman said is ability to see the center pt off circle and arc ( grey cross ) without selecting it .
2: is when you selecte circle and arc the possibylity to move it from its center pt without calling the comand move

my be the problem is in the screen 22" (1920x1080)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2563.17 In reply to 2563.15 
Hi Burr, yeah I think that probably lyes would be the one to answer your questions there for sure.

> The only time I dont see it is when I dont have a command selected.

Yeah, it will only show up when there is a pointpicker running, when such things as object snaps are active.

> Could he just be wanting the ability to see it with no command selected?

Well, that was one part that he was talking about earlier, I thought we were on to a slightly different topic but maybe not...

I guess the part that may have confused me is this one:
center point visiblity for snaping i think is a must just small grey or black cross is good enough

Normally I use that term "snapping" for things that control the pointpicker, such as grid snap, object snap, and straight snap.

Anyway, those little gray X target markers are in there for this purpose of making it easier to home in on particular snap points that may otherwise be a bit difficult to target.

- Michael
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Message 2563.18 deleted 10 Apr 2009 by YANNADA

 From:  Michael Gibson
2563.19 In reply to 2563.16 
Hi lyes,

> HI Michaeal yes is like Burman said is ability to see the center pt
> off circle and arc ( grey cross ) without selecting it .

You mean always displayed under all circumstances, regardless of whether you are in a command that can actually do something to the center point or not?

I've intentionally tried to only make those center points show up when they can actually be used for something, so that's why they show up only when you are picking a point and you have object snaps enabled.

Otherwise if they were to show up all the time, your screen could get pretty filled up with a bunch of things that don't really have any purpose for what you are currently doing...

> 2: is when you selecte circle and arc the possibylity to
> move it from its center pt without calling the comand move

Yeah, I understand this one - this is different than snapping, this would be a new "grip" same as the scaling and rotation grips on the edit frame currently.

I do want to experiment with adding this in the future. I'm not quite sure exactly when, I am a little worried about making grips that can possibly overlay to the interior of the object.

The current grips stay all around the outside of the currently selected object which is a pretty nice thing, it keeps them away from taking up clickable space from the inside of the object.

A center grip would not be like that anymore, it would be over top of the object instead of only around it, so it would possibly cause some interference problems that the current grips do not cause. Maybe that will not cause much of a problem, but maybe it will.

That means that it may take some experimentation to see how that works.

Sometimes experimentation can take extra time, so I'm not quite sure right now exactly when I will be able to get to this one, it is possible not until v3 since I am trying to wrap up v2 right now so it is not a great time for new experiments right at this time, the new object organization tools are pretty much taking all the effort in that area right now.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2563.20 In reply to 2563.16 
Hi lyes

> my be the problem is in the screen 22" (1920x1080)

It's possible those markers are too small for your screen.

There are some things you can do to adjust them though.

In moi.ini under the [Drawing Aids] section, there are some settings you can alter:


The opacity is a value from 0 (totally transparent) to 255 (totally opaque) - if you increase this to have a higher opacity value the maker will become more substantial and darker on the screen which may be good for you.

Also the display radius is the radius in pixels around the mouse - markers that are within this radius of the mouse cursor will be displayed. You may want to increase that value if the current radius is too small on your screen.

Finally, the little X marker itself is an image named "OsnapMarker.png" which is in the \ui subfolder inside of MoI's main installation folder. It is a pretty small 7x7 image, if you replace this image with a larger sized one that should make those markers bigger too.

- Michael
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
2563.21 In reply to 2563.20 
Hi Micheal thanks for your time

EDITED: 10 Apr 2009 by BLYESS

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