Text along curve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2560.5 In reply to 2560.4 
Hi Ella - for the first one there is something similar to that which I set up back in Rhino called "Flow along curve".

The way it works is that you pick 2 curves, a "source backbone" curve, and then a "target backbone" curve. Then it will basically for every point in the object it will find the closest point on the source backbone curve, and make note of what percentage along the curve that is, and then go to the same percentage along the target backbone to place it in the new position.

I'd like to set up something for that in MoI as well when I get a chance to work on deformation type tools. I'm not quite sure exactly when that will happen though. Also it is pretty difficult to get this kind of morphing to work on solids without having joined edges between trimmed surfaces pull apart... The difficulty in that particular area is one reason why I have not really tried to get into those kinds of deformation tools yet.

For that second one, for points as the copy target I think that Petr wrote a custom command that can do that for you in MoI now, check out his CopyToPoints command:

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2560.6 In reply to 2560.4 
Is there a reason "Array" doesnt do this? Can you illustrate a bit more?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2560.7 In reply to 2560.6 
Hi Burr - Array does something like that if you want to replicate one object along the curve, so your end result is many copies of the same object at different orientations.

But for example with text you don't want to repeat one object over and over again, because you want to use different letters.

I mean it can work for text if all you want is text that says: "AAAAAAAAAAAAA" for example.. :)

If you want your text to say something like "This is some text", then that won't work with Array because that is not just replicating one object over the curve, that involves placing the first letter "T" at the beginning, then placing the second letter "h", then placing the third letter, etc...

Does that make sense?

That why it would be a separate tool to deform an existing block of objects, rather than replicate a single object which is what all the various array tools are focused on doing.

But probably I'll be able to add in an option specifically for Text for doing it along a curve sometime before a general deformation type tool would be ready.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
And like this?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

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 From:  Dymaxion
2560.9 In reply to 2560.5 
Ok, yeah, flow along curve sounds about right, and yes, it makes sense that it'd be a bit less trivial; it's not a real priority, personally.

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 From:  BurrMan
2560.10 In reply to 2560.8 
I wrote my question before you answered.

Frenchy did what I was thinking but I can see where a different tool would be more powerful.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2560.11 In reply to 2560.8 
Hi Pilou,

> And like this?

Well, what you show there is "Text that is cut by a curve".

Text that "follows a curve" is different, like this:

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2560.12 In reply to 2560.11 
Yes it's is the other side of the proposition :)

See this new Sketchup plug ;) http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=18210&p=147414#p147414
(2 video to see : Of course it is not nurbs ; so maybe more easy to conceptualize ;)

EDITED: 8 Apr 2009 by PILOU

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 From:  lwan
2560.13 In reply to 2560.11 
That's it. Another situation is for example the text rim on a lens, it's projected a different way but the idea is the same. Would be a great tool anyway as I usually cut all texts/icons in the object rather than making textures.
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