Icons ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2557.3 In reply to 2557.1 
Hi yannada - those particular icons are different from the other ones.

Those ones I licensed from an icon pack and part of the license required me to build them in as resources to the program code, rather than distributing them as individual images.

To change those icons you will also need to edit the UI files to make the buttons use a regular image rather than a resource based one.

For example if you open up \ui\CommandBar.htm, you will find that the File button is defined like this:

<moi:CommandMenuButton style="icon:res://FILEICON;" menu="FileMenu.htm"><moi:Text textid="File"></moi:CommandMenuButton>

Note the part that says: style="icon:res://FILEICON;"

That is making that button's icon come from the resources section of the DLL rather than from an regular image file.

If you edit that to say style="icon:icons/IconFileName.png;" , then that will cause that button's image to come from a file named "IconFileName.png" from inside the \icons sub-folder.

So if you want to change those icons you will need to edit the icon: property inside the style decoration for those buttons inside of CommandBar.htm, CommandBarRight.htm and SidePane.htm .

- Michael
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2557.4 In reply to 2557.3 
>>>Those ones I licensed from an icon pack and part of the license required me to build them in as resources to the program code, rather than distributing them as individual images.

You paid for those? LOL. (the rest of them are perfect) The proses is a bit long but worth the effort, MoI deserves better.

Is 64x64 .png fine? like the rest of them.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2557.5 In reply to 2557.4 
Hi yannada,

> You paid for those? LOL.

Yup! They seem fine to me, I have no idea why you don't like them but certainly there is no accounting for taste! :)

Those kinds of more more "everyday" kind of things can be difficult to draw at a small scale, I reviewed quite a lot of different icon packs before settling on that one.

If you think you can do better, certainly give it a try! But I think you will be quite surprised how difficult it is to make something that looks good when it is pretty small in size.

> Is 64x64 .png fine? like the rest of them.


- Michael
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 From:  olio
2557.6 In reply to 2557.5 
You're a genius Michael, but I think your graphic design sense, is not your strongest:) From my graphic design bg these icons clearly stand out as bad!. the delete, redo and undo makes me feel sick to look at:), its like bad clipart from ms word 1995.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2557.7 In reply to 2557.6 
Hi olio, they're from an icon pack that has often been frequently praised by others, done by a professional graphic designer who specializes in icon design.

So it is kind of funny that you don't like those ones that were done by a professional but like the ones that I drew myself instead :)

If you know of a better ones that are available, then please by all means show them to me and I'll check them out!

But I think you're way off! :)

- Michael
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 From:  olio
2557.8 In reply to 2557.7 
:), yep your work are much more professional:), I like your icons, maybe its just the color of the others, bright red and blue-ish for undo/redo, it just sticks out so much. Maybe they could be neutral Moi color until you hover over them, then they might turn to its saturated shape.

well just a thought, but I was wrong if you did all the other icons you got some eye for graphics.)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2557.9 In reply to 2557.8 
Hi olio, well the red for delete is not particularly unusual, that one seems quite normal and familiar feeling.

The undo/redo is not quite as much of a slam dunk, but it is not very far away from other things either, here is a screenshot from Word 2003 for example:

MoI's current ones are similar enough to that to make that pretty reasonable.

For some of these things it is not too great to stray too far away from the typical things.

Again, if you have some better ideas it helps a lot to actually see the "improved" icons rather than just some text description of them...

Maybe a little bit less saturation on the undo/redo would be a good tune-up but it is a pretty tiny detail.

- Michael

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2557.10 In reply to 2557.8 
Just my 2 cents from another designer.

The really important thing about icons is that they should be clear about what they do.

So, in my book, they should be simple and get the message across.

I think the MoI icons do that but don't jump out for personal attention.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
And what the matter as you can easily replace them by your favorite ? :)
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 From:  BurrMan
2557.12 In reply to 2557.11 
YOu could test how it scales if you want.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2557.13 In reply to 2557.12 
Hi Burr, this is what it would look like shrunken down:

Not too bad, but not really great either.

It tends to help to not have as many details as that, when shrunken little details tend to just make for muddy pixels.

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
2557.14 In reply to 2557.13 
Thanks Michael,
Not that I think they should be replaced....Just participating :O
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Pffft! I was over the icon thing years ago, an icon is an icon, is an icon, you press it and something happens, after you know what it does who gives a @#*% on how it looks, as long as the software does what it supposed to do and does it without crashing :)

Just having a whinge, I feel better now :D

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 From:  BurrMan
2557.16 In reply to 2557.15 
Well Danny, iF you want to approach from a psychology aspect, one could very easily design a UI that would make your head hurt! I'd be willing to bet a bit of time has been spent on this area with regards to MoI. Not just an afternoon of browsing available pics. I know a kid at stanford who's whole colledge effort was in "Human interface design". Could you beleive?
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2557.17 In reply to 2557.16 
You should all be forced to work with TrueSpace.

HEY!--it's now a free 3d app!

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 From:  rhodesy
I really can't see what's wrong with the icons, i think they're absolutely fine and not offensive in the least. Micahel seems to be taking a bit of a slagging but i think moi's UI is better than most to be fair. Just my thoughts though - each to their own.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2557.19 In reply to 2557.16 
Hi Burr,

> I know a kid at stanford who's whole colledge effort was in "Human interface design". Could you beleive?

Interface yes, a for icons used in the interface I don't know if it would make a difference, would it!?

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 From:  BurrMan
2557.20 In reply to 2557.19 
I think so. I think the term interface can also include interaction, so going to a higher level in design, "Human interaction Design", a COLOR can produce different results. Aesthetics play a huge part in wether you "feel" good about using an app. The subconscious is very powerful. The branch can become very convoluted.
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 From:  olio
2557.21 In reply to 2557.20 
Yes, I actually am a master student in an HCI (Human Computer Interaction) program here in Denmark, Interface is ofcourse hugely important as we as MOI users know! I think Michael has been spot on with his decisions of GUI so far.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2557.22 In reply to 2557.21 
Thanks Olio!

> here in Denmark

Aha, I guess highly saturated colors kind of grate against the sort of Scandinavian minimalist kind of design sense?

Quite a few other parts of MoI's overall design philosophy do fit in pretty well with that though.

At any rate, if my biggest design problem is that my undo/redo icons are "too blue", then I'm in pretty good shape overall, really... :)

- Michael
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