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 From:  Michael Gibson
2545.2 In reply to 2545.1 
Hi lyes,

> can you advise witch Graphic card

Basically any new graphics card from ATI or nVidia should be fine. Of course more powerful and faster cards can also handle heavier scenes more quickly.

Often times with heavier scenes drawing the edge curves is what bog things down the most though, if you have a heavy scene that is not rotating smoothly you may try hiding the edge curves and see if that gives it a boost. In the future I'm going to try to draw the edge curves a little more roughly with heavy scenes to help speed things up.

Also MoI's default display mesh settings are rather dense to make a very smooth looking display. But if you have a very heavy model this can generate quite a large number of polygons and take up a lot of memory. You can adjust a setting to lower the display mesh density, by going to Options / View / Meshing parameters, and change Mesh angle to 25, and uncheck "Add detail to inflections". That will make for a somewhat more jagged looking display but it will tend to speed things up by quite a bit with heavier models as well.

> dose have VBO enable or not

VBO is the name of a thing that is used by the OpenGL graphics system, which MoI does not use - MoI uses Direct3D instead.

- Michael
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
2545.3 In reply to 2545.2 
Hi Michael is Direct X10 faster than 9 is there any tune up for direct X
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2545.4 In reply to 2545.3 
Hi lyes

> Hi Michael is Direct X10 faster than 9

No, not really for the case of just rendering simple polygons. DX10 has some new kinds of functions in it like new kinds of shader programs but that is different.

> is there any tune up for direct X

The main tune ups are not things in DirectX but rather things that I will be tuning up in MoI.

Currently you need to change some settings manually though to reduce mesh density on heavy models, that is the meshing parameters that I mentioned previously.

In the future I hope to more automatically manage that but for now you need to change the setting yourself.

- Michael
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