How to do this in MOI?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2505.8 In reply to 2505.4 
< Is there some reason why you are interested in seeing that kind of curvature analysis?
about level color : only artistic reason for something like landscaping, and possibility to address snow, waters, vegetation
(not in Moi but in any another 2D progs by these colors)

about "Strength of materials" just if libraries exist and are easily adapted why not put it inside moi
(for architectural or engeneering domain :)
But maybe it's more from solid modelers?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2505.9 In reply to 2505.8 
Hi Pilou,

> about level color : only artistic reason for something like
> landscaping, and possibility to address snow, waters, vegetation

Oh, I see what you mean - a color value by height in z?

But no - that is not at all what was shown in there, it was a curvature analysis based on the curvature values of the surface, not having to do with z values.

> about "Strength of materials" just if libraries exist and are
> easily adapted why not put it inside moi
> (for architectural or engeneering domain :)

As far as I know there is no easily available free library that I could use for structural analysis. It tends to be a complex area that usually has expensive software to handle it.

So the lack of existence of such a library is one problem...

And even if there was such a library, it would still take quite a bit of work to adapt such a thing into MoI.

So that's another reason - if I were to spend time on that I would have to postpone other features because I can't work on many projects all at the same time...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2505.10 In reply to 2505.9 
< Oh, I see what you mean - a color value by height in z?
Yes :)

< if I were to spend time on that I would have to postpone other features because I can't work on many projects all at the same time...
Of course :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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