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 From:  hyltom
25.3 In reply to 25.2 

> It looks like I will have some history features for the next beta (maybe by this Friday or maybe on Monday). So for instance you will be able to create a revolved surface and then when you change the curve that was revolved the surface will update.

This is a good beginning. Hope to get more in the future.

>it will probably be a while before it is available. What resolution is your screen at? (like 1024x768, 1280x1024, etc..)

My need is not so urgent, just want to share with you my thought. The resolution of my display is 1680x1050 on a 20". By the way, i really like the fact that you change dynamically the size of the toobar.

>Is there anything in particular that you're thinking about? There are already a lot of differences from Rhino in just the overall UI, just simple things like drawing a line or square is different. Do you mean more like having totally different tools rather than similar constructions like extrude, revolve, etc... ?

I agree with you about the UI and i don't complain, far from that. The UI is much better than Rhino. I was thinking about some new kind of contruction tools or deformation tools. Of course, the basic tools should be here, that's the minimum. Concerning the deformation tools, I would love to see the possibility to deform a surface by using some other surface or a finger pushing some clay... simply like a ball deforming a surface.

Maybe it's enough for today,
I need to think more how I'm using rhino and what's the missing tools that could be very practical.


EDITED: 30 Aug 2006 by HYLTOM

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 From:  hyltom
The new update is great, and the history tool is good and welcome.

1- But why i can't change the extrude setting of a curve? let say, i extrude anything by 10 mm, if i want to change this to 15 mm, i cant'...will this be working later? Or maybe i haven't find how to do it.

2- Also, it will be great to have the possibility to add some control point on the extrude way. If i extrude a cercle, it become a cylindre and the control point can only be seen at the base. When i remove the cap and the base surface, then the control point appear at the top and at the base and i can add some if i want. But how about having the possibility to add control point on the extrusion way. (see attached file)

3- Will you implement some network curve function later? ...and some extrude curve from object function?...Actually, i would like to know what's your plan for the first release, which function will be there?

Best regards,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
25.5 In reply to 25.4 
> But why i can't change the extrude setting of a curve?

It's going to take a pretty large amount of work to do the user interface for inspecting and changing these different values in the history, such as distance and radius values.

I don't think that this work will get done for the V1 release. Of course I also thought that history in general wouldn't get done for the V1 release neither... :) But things that have a large UI to make them work will generally be added a lot more slowly.

> But how about having the possibility to add control point on the extrusion way.

I should be able to add this soon, probably for the next beta. The way I'm thinking it will work is there will be a new button inside of Extrude that says something like "Set path curve". If you click the button then you'll be able to pick some other curve to use in the extrusion direction and then the extruded surface will use the control point structure of that curve along that direction. So for instance to get a point in the middle there you would use a path curve that you drew straight up with 3 points in it.

I don't have this working yet, but it should not be too difficult, so maybe for the next beta release.

> 3- Will you implement some network curve function later?

I think that this will be possible.

> ...and some extrude curve from object function?

I'm not sure I understand this, can you explain it some more?

> ...Actually, i would like to know what's your plan for the first release, which function will be there?

I don't have an exact plan. I have a bunch of feature ideas written down in a "todo" list that I have accumulated, both from my own ideas and from things that people have requested here. As more people request certain things, I tend to move them towards the top of the list. But it also depends on how difficult the feature is, if it involves adding a lot of UI or if I am not even really sure where it would go in the UI, it will tend to be postponed for a while.

So things are still fairly fluid, it is not entirely set in stone exactly what will be in the first release.

- Michael
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 From:  hyltom
25.6 In reply to 25.5 

"> ...and some extrude curve from object function?

I'm not sure I understand this, can you explain it some more?"

I think i was tired when i wrote that one :)...Actually i mean, how about adding a function to extract curve and isocurve from object.


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 From:  black mariah (BLACK_MARIAH)
25.7 In reply to 25.6 
You can copy and paste any visible lines. Or are you looking for something different?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Trim any volume by a plan and you will have any isocurve :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
25.9 In reply to 25.6 
You can extract edge curves right now by selecting the edge curves, then doing a copy/paste. This works for individual surfaces of a solid as well.

You can also select the edges, and then use the new control+drag to drag off a duplicate copy of them.

I think that I'll be able to add an extract isoparm type function later on.

- Michael
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 From:  hyltom
I have a lot of problem to select what i want (surface, curve...) Everytime i click on one curve, an other one is selected far from the one i want. What's going on?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
25.11 In reply to 25.10 
Hmmm, I haven't heard of anything like this before...

When you move your mouse over the curves, do the ones near the mouse get the selection preview glow over them? Or do the ones far away from the mouse glow?

Does this happen to you more often on a particular model file? If it does, can you please post the model file so I can take a look at it?

- Michael
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 From:  hyltom
25.12 In reply to 25.11 

It's the one far away who glow.
it's happen everytime for anything...simple, i just open Mol and create a line. I want to select it so i move my mouse on it and...nothing happen. I can't select it. The only way i find to select it is to make a left click and draw a big rectangle around it.

EDIT: I tried at home on another computer and there is no problem, so i guess there is something wrong with my computer at work. Tomorow i will reinstalled Moi and see if i still get the same thing.


EDITED: 8 Sep 2006 by HYLTOM

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 From:  Michael Gibson
25.13 In reply to 25.12 
Hi Hyltom, what video card to you have at work?

The selection mechanism in MoI is dependent on reading some information back from your video card, if the video card is not functioning properly, it could cause strange problems like you describe.

My guess is that somehow the video card is flipping some internal screen information upside down or something.

You may want to see if there are any updated drivers for your video card, it's possible that getting updated drivers could fix this problem.

- Michael
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