If I don't do organics, will MOI do everything I need?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2484.45 In reply to 2484.44 
< for the moment my nurbs xp will grow with MoI
born of 2 twin monsters :D
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2484.46 In reply to 2484.44 
PaQ take a look @ http://aliasdesign.autodesk.com/ (some of the techniques can not be applied to MoI @ but never the less their tutorials are priceless). Also google "class a surfacing" that will do the trick...

EDITED: 23 Mar 2009 by YANNADA

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
< Sedan tutorial for Rhino
Address link?
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 From:  PaQ
2484.48 In reply to 2484.47 
Hi Yannada, thanks for the links, I have tried alias studio before buying MoI in fact.
I was impressed by this work:

(in french, but the images speak alone)

Sure many techniques are possible to translate to moi, except all the curvature continuity related stuffs :S


You can find the sedan tutorials on rhinotv

If you don't want to register, I can send you the .rar file (+- 20 meg)
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 From:  rayman
I dont think that you cant model cars in Moi 3d ... its just a question of learning how to
do that.....I´m trying it out now all the time and found this tutorial video very interesting
Its for Solid Thinking but theres not very many functions that you dont have in Moi3d
i´m also building a b29 right now the Enola Gay.i finished the body and I ran a test on adding the wings
Heres a car that i made yesterday in Moi3d from my imagination

EDITED: 23 Mar 2009 by RAYMAN

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2484.50 In reply to 2484.49 
More "Chanderilry" for Pilou!

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