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 From:  paoki
2482.3 In reply to 2482.2 
Hi Michael,

i had the problem before and after the most recent driver update. Since according to what you wrote the crashes arent very likely to be related to MoI I dont want to steal any more of your time. I think i am going to find some 3d benchmarks to stress my card as hard as i can to see if its related to that and i will examine the other aspects you mentioned. If things will lead back to MoI I might drop you another line in here and send you the crashdump. :)

Thanks alot for your extensive response. :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2482.4 In reply to 2482.3 
Hi Sebastian, no problem!

Definitely take a look to see if you have anything blocking good air flow through your computer though, that is something that I'd be most suspicious about.

Also please feel free to send me that crash dump, it is pretty easy for me to take a quick look at it and maybe get another hint on what might be happening. It is not always possible to get good information from a crash dump but it can often give some clue as to what specifically was going on at the time of the crash.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2482.5 In reply to 2482.4 
>>>> It is not always possible to get good information from a crash dump but it can often give some clue as to what specifically was going on at the time of the crash.>>>>

Unless your Mark Russinovich, then the crashdump would tell you exactly what happened! :O
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