Fillet direction
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 From:  Grendel
Very handy feature Michael, thank you :)
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 From:  David (BLEND3D)
2457.30 In reply to 2457.23 

The constant fillet looks great, this will come in handy. Also I like the way you listed the drop down order as Danny suggested.

- David
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 From:  Dymaxion
Chiming in kind of late, would it be better to have a set of radio buttons under circular (and probably the G1, G2, etc.) modes? Given that this is a modification of a circular fillet, it seems more like a separate thing, like the profile variations on sweep. And for a name for the two modes, "constant radius" and "constant arc distance" come to mind.
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 From:  PaQ
2457.32 In reply to 2457.26 
Yes this constant option seems handy :)
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 From:  Schbeurd
Very useful indeed and a welcome addition to the MoI toolbox.
Waiting for variable fillets now... :-)
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 From:  BurrMan
2457.34 In reply to 2457.33 
Am I fooling myself to think this is a representation of a variable fillet? I've been thinking that if I can draw the curves of the fillet I want then blend can give the surface, but maybe not understanding blend, the surface created may not represent what a variable fillet would give.

Any input.


EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2457.35 In reply to 2457.31 
Hi Dymaxion,

> Chiming in kind of late, would it be better to have a set
> of radio buttons under circular (and probably the G1, G2,
> etc.) modes? Given that this is a modification of a circular
> fillet, it seems more like a separate thing, like the profile
> variations on sweep

Yeah, it is actually a kind of modification of circular.

But I'm not too thrilled with expanding the UI with a whole lot of additional buttons, all to control something which may never even be needed (Constant distance with blend shape).

Let me know later on if you run into a situation where you are wishing you had that combination.

By using the method I showed above, it lets me add in this option but with a very minimal impact to the existing UI, which is always something that I am looking out for.

Also it does alter the overall shape of the fillet as well (see in previous screencap) so it does not seem totally out of place under that Shape: option.

Basically if there is a way to add something with only a minimal (or ideally no) increase in complexity to the current UI, that is the kind of thing that I will bump up to a high priority and do some work much more quickly to add that.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2457.36 In reply to 2457.34 
Hi Burr,

> Am I fooling myself to think this is a representation
> of a variable fillet?

Yeah actually technically it is a kind of variable radius fillet, since the radius is not fixed and varies throughout the length of the fillet.

But normally "variable radius fillet" means something else, which is a fillet where you have more manual control over setting specific radius values at different spots along the fillet.

The "Constant distance" method automatically varies the radius to fit that single distance value (where the distance is a chord of the arc - the chord plus tangent conditions will determine the radius), it doesn't let you control the radius manually.

- Michael
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 From:  Dymaxion
2457.37 In reply to 2457.35 
> But I'm not too thrilled with expanding the UI with a whole lot of additional buttons,
> all to control something which may never even be needed (Constant distance with
> blend shape).

Sure, that makes a lot of sense. I mentioned it mostly because it wasn't clear if a more complex UI with a simpler mapping to how people might understand the problem would be a tradeoff in the right direction or not, here. I'll try to remember if I find myself wanting the more complex versions.

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 From:  BurrMan
2457.38 In reply to 2457.37 
I just wanted to follow up here for any of the CNC guy's who may have looked at this.

THe answer was "not possible with the type of machine and tooling we have. Here's a quote from an experienced machinist that was working with me on this:

"there is no way to produce this part with a corner rounding endmill. Like he stated in his recent post, there is no way to have the tangency point be correct all the way around the circle/oval. Even with two tool paths, it won’t work, due to the ever changing radial drop caused by the cylinder and the perpendicular hole through the middle of the part, the radius would only be tangent to one surface at a time, except for the 0 and 180 degree positions in a quadrant.
Even though a corner rounding endmill has a one to two degree lead in/lead out for the radius, there is no way to properly follow the hole and radial drop on the cylinder od without losing tangency of one or the other. Like he said, even if you could “match” two paths to produce the tangent points, the radius would not be correct. It would change size in each quadrant. It would start the correct size then decrease as it move to the 90 degree position on the quadrant, then start to increase again as it move to the 180 degree position. With that being said, it would produce more of an oval than a true radius. "

Tech Talk!!!!

The only thing I have left to wonder is if a "True 4th axis software" (Something I dont have yet) and cutting a "Specialty tool", Can I make it work.

The answer and followup to this is not for the MoI forum though.

Thanks Michael! I've added "Subtended angle" and "Rolling Ball Fillet" to my knowledgebase!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2457.39 In reply to 2457.38 
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