Hi Micha - I guess maybe it would help if I knew more of the purpose that you are using your meshes for.
A uniform mesh does have a more beautiful topology if that is the only thing that you are looking for above all else. But at the same time it can have a more ugly shape, more jagged in areas that are curved and normally a higher polygon count than necessary on things with variable curvature since flat areas get the same density as curved areas.
For example notice how coarse the rounded peak of your result is:
Without being able to add local subdivisions just to that area, it results in a very jagged shape there, which is ugly when rendered or viewed in profile, etc...
So except for very special purposes that kind of mesh that you show there is usually worse than one with adaptive subdivision. If you are interested in low polygon count, efficient structure, and making a good looking shape that provides details in curved areas, then those are all things that are going to be negatively affected by no adaptive subdivision.
So that's something to keep in mind...
But yes there are times when people do want clean topology over all else, so for those situations a disable adaptive subdivision would be useful.
Having no adaptive subdivision at all tends to work the best when the shape has totally uniform curvature such as on a sphere or cylinder. That's when a fully uniform mesh does a fine job of fitting the shape properly and efficiently - and in fact you should have probably noticed by now that MoI already does provide that kind of uniform meshing on these kinds of uniformly curved surfaces.
> Adaptive meshing - that sounds for me like "max error between
> mesh and NURBS" and could be nice to control the amount of adaption.
Basically, that's what all the existing meshing parameters do - control the amount of adaptive localized refinement. They also play a role in determining the initial base mesh, but after the base mesh is created then they totally control the "amound of adaption" - for example any polygon that has an angle greater than your given angle parameter will get broken down into smaller pieces - that is exactly what adaptive subdivision is.
So you already have a way to control the amount of adaption - that's all the existing parameters available to you. What I'm talking about is a checkbox that disables any adaptive refinement at all and will only use the base mesh, that would probably help you get the regular meshing you seem to want in some cases, however just be aware that for many purposes such things will actually be worse in shape (or higher in polygon count to make a good shape) as I described above.
- Michael