WOW - the beta mesher is great
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.12 In reply to 2440.11 
Hi Micha,

> Could you still add the max error option please?

Yes, it is definitely still on my list of things to add, I'm just not very confident right now about getting in to v2, it will most likely be a v3 thing.

> You was quite optimistic for that option in the february. ;)

Yup, but that was before all the work on Styles took much longer than I had initially thought.

Also don't forget that there were a lot of other improvements and bug fixes that you asked for in this previous thread:
which did get implemented, those also took quite a bit of time as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Micha
2440.13 In reply to 2440.12 
Maybe you get it v2 or v2.1. You know, the "v2 meshing release" thing ... ;)

Thank you,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.14 In reply to 2440.13 
Hi Micha, probably not for v2.0 and currently I don't plan on having a v2.1 .

Once v2.0 is wrapped up, I'll be moving on to v3 and there will then be betas for that version available.

There will not likely be a v2.1 unless there are some major bugs found in v2.0 that need to be corrected.

Please keep in mind that I am only a single person working on MoI, which means that I have to try and be efficient at how I spend my time.

It takes additional effort to do things like attempt to work on a version 2.1 and a version 3.0 at the same time. That's why when 2.0 is wrapped up the general plan is that I'm on to version 3 work at that point.

But don't worry though - MoI v2 is not the end of the line, I want to add a lot of new stuff in for v3! :)

- Michael
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 From:  Micha
2440.15 In reply to 2440.14 
Good luck. :)

|Visualisation for Designer and Architects -

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.16 In reply to 2440.13 
Hi Micha, also the good news is that there have already been so many improvements to meshing in v2 that it is really a major meshing release already!

Not only a bunch of things you specifically asked for in that previous thread:

but also there was a huge improvement to meshing speed in v2 since it is now multi-core enabled!

Of course there will still be improvements in the future, but there's no doubt that v2 is a very major step for meshing in MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2440.17 In reply to 2440.14 
Hi Michael,

> But don't worry though
> - MoI v2 is not the end of the line,
> I want to add a lot of new stuff in for v3! :)

We know where you're at with V2, I feel a little excitement in the above comment, any clues for the road map for V3........something........anything!

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 From:  WillBellJr
A road map would be nice Michael - it would be a way of seeing what features you'd like MoI to have in the future.

It would also give us a way to see your plans plus fine tune our expectations and target our suggestions in the same direction...

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 From:  Anis
2440.19 In reply to 2440.18 
Hi Friends :)

We can take a look some MoI wish list here :
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Yep - V2 is looking and working very well for me. My credit card is ready when it's available for purchase.

The wish list is quite long, and I'm also curious what the focus areas are for V3.

I have my own short wish list, but I'll wait to see if specific V3 inputs are requested.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.21 In reply to 2440.17 
Hi Danny & everyone,

Danny wrote:
> I feel a little excitement in the above comment, any clues
> for the road map for V3........something........anything!

Well, I don't really have any set in stone "road map" at all...

I do have some general ideas, like I want to get some basic dimensions working, maybe attempt to do some deeper history or at least explore that some to see how much work is involved, tune up some control point manipulation stuff for surfaces, ...

But it is all rather fluid, when things are requested more frequently, or when I notice that something is causing confusion or problems with many people, those kinds of things tend to get more priority. Those kinds of things are based mostly off of user feedback so I could not exactly predict what will happen in v3 unless I could predict all the user feedback as well, which is not likely! :)

But it is safe to say that I'd expect to do a variety of things off of the wishlist:

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2440.22 In reply to 2440.21 
Ah yes, basic communication tools would be good, Michael :)
Would that require jumping into, similar to other packages, a drafting window/session or would it be in the same modeling space, à la sketchup ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.23 In reply to 2440.22 
Hi Danny, I think initially in the same modeling space, but I also do want to a kind of printed page "paperspace" type mechanism eventually as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2440.24 In reply to 2440.21 
Hi Michael....

>maybe attempt to do some deeper history
What kind of history mechanism in your mind for the future of MoI ?

Have you a plan to create history mechanism like this link : &

Thanks !

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.25 In reply to 2440.24 
Hi Anis,

> What kind of history mechanism in your mind
> for the future of MoI ?

I have several ideas but some of them may prove to be too difficult to implement, I won't really know many specifics until I get a chance to work on it for a while during v3.

- Michael
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 From:  andras
Hm... I am reading this conservation and I tell that In my point of view I very need essential documentation tools
-architect dimensions (just obluque and arrow endmarkers)
-some customisable hatching
-section --> just a script with section plane --> finally the cutted meshlines and lines would go to an other layer

Nowadays I think about architect/engineer draw process with Moi. But I have not find perfect solution yet. There are many way just no perfect.
I am think about Adobe Illustrator + CAD plugin but 599$+250$ So nooo way! :)
There are some cheap CAD solution as well such as Via CAD with section plane but I have got a lot of blablabla message at ~2900 objects thats why ..thank you bye :). And even Alibre latest 99$ suggestion (this 3d industry is crasy) but I quess pay for a new package is redundant If in the future Moi will support these functions.

An interesting fact what I read that maybe 2D CAD and vector graphics solutions going to fuse. The existing cad plugin confirm this and there are some effort in Scribus development as well. There are so many opportunity now in the graphics industry and the customers dont know what kind of road shuold be followed. And we predict nothing as well :). And last the engineers (yes, the poor ones) need a smooth connection between modeling and documentation their art.
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 From:  NightCabbage
2440.27 In reply to 2440.20 
"My credit card is ready when it's available for purchase."

Hmm does that mean you'll have to pay for V2 even if you've already paid for V1?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2440.28 In reply to 2440.27 
Hi NightCabbage,

> Hmm does that mean you'll have to apy for V2 even
> if you've already paid for V1?

Yes, that's correct... But that's a pretty normal thing with software in general.

Some more info on the v2 upgrade plan is here:

- Michael
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