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 From:  PaQ
2333.78 In reply to 2333.76 
Hi Burr,

Should be something wrong with my .ini file, maybe because of all the beta installed.
I have delete the .ini file, and now it works as expected.

The old .ini has this value :


Never add that myself.
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 From:  PaQ
2333.79 In reply to 2333.77 
mm same here,

after one export, those lines are written in the .ini file :


The think is, dispite the fact angle is empty, moi chose 12 as default value.
However DivideLargerThanApplyTo= return an blank value, where I suppose 'curve' should showed by default ...

or something like that, my english is tired :P
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 From:  BurrMan
2333.80 In reply to 2333.79 

Is the value to put there. What threw me was the case sensituve switch! In the Ui It's listed as "Curved" and that doesnt work. Checked the meshdialog file and saw it with lower case and it works.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.81 In reply to 2333.75 
Hi PaQ,

> just a little detail, but the first time you export a mesh I
> notice that divide larger than type is empty (when it's supposed
> to be on 'curve' by default.

Yup, definitely a bug, thanks for noticing and reporting it!

It was a bug introduced with that new stuff that allows for controlling the default mesh settings, I have fixed it up now for the next beta.

> Angle=
> DivideLargerThan=
> DivideLargerThanApplyTo=
> AvoidSmallerThan=
> AspectRatioLimit=
> Never add that myself.

Yeah these will get added automatically to the .ini file after you do a mesh export.

They are supposed to be kind of "place holders" so you can more easily see where you can fill in default values if you want to set meshing defaults. But they are not supposed to be used if they are blank like they are initially.

> The think is, dispite the fact angle is empty, moi
> chose 12 as default value.
> However DivideLargerThanApplyTo= return an blank
> value, where I suppose 'curve' should showed by default ...

Yup, that was the bug, it was treating a blank string type differently than a blank entry for something like a number value. There aren't really a whole lot of blank entries like this in the moi.ini so that's why it didn't really come up before.

Thanks for reporting it!

- Michael
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 From:  ggagnon
2333.82 In reply to 2333.3 
Hi Michael,
The ScriptCopier_Jan_19_2009.exe look for Moi installed on C: On my system Moi is installed on D:.
Is there some parameter I could add when running to program to correct this?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.83 In reply to 2333.82 
Hi Gaston, there is no parameter to set on the script copier, but I will take a look at tuning it up to pop up a folder browser if it cannot find the default one.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.84 In reply to 2333.82 
Hi Gaston, I have attached here a new version of the script copier which will open up a folder browser if it cannot find the programs (both v1 and the v2 beta) in their default locations.

Use the browser to pick the folder for MoI v1 and for the new v2 beta as necessary and it will then be able to copy any custom scripts or plugins over.

- Michael

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 From:  ggagnon
2333.85 In reply to 2333.84 
Thank you Michael, It works,
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 From:  BurrMan
2333.86 In reply to 2333.4 
9 anis robots at divide larger than 1 and avoid smaller than .5 = ....Maybe 5 seconds.

Import obj into carrara. mem error when using mouse to zoom... but using interface zoom tools all is good. May translate to the MoI zoom and pan/rotate tools with heavy models???

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