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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2333.41 In reply to 2333.40 
Those "recent files" did not make sense!

I did another search and found the uni applicable to V2

"D:\Documents and Settings\Brian\Application Data\Moi"

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 From:  BurrMan
2333.42 In reply to 2333.34 
1.5GB PCIe x16 nVidia Quadro FX 5600 :)

The 7200 goes to the trash, replaced with the dead box's "quadro2 pro"
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2333.43 In reply to 2333.42 
Nomenclature for the "elderly"!

"Enabled making copies while in edit frame wheel mode, by holding down Ctrl before dragging the mouse."

I puzzled/experimented over this for ages and, hopefully, it means--

"New Shortcut to add to Shortcut key list

Ctrl -------- Allows drag copy of selected item"

Can I type this in on the MoI list or only on my desk printed version of the shortcuts list?

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2333.44 In reply to 2333.43 
Hi Brian,

> Can I type this in on the MoI list or only on my desk printed version of the shortcuts list?

You don't have to, this is a new feature that goes with the edit frame, it's not a script where you have to assign a shortcut to.
Michael gives a basic run down on how it works here > http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=2243.8

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 From:  BurrMan
2333.45 In reply to 2333.43 
Hey Brian,
It's not a new "Shortcut" key to add. It's functionallity in MoI's user interface that has been updated.

If you hold the cntrl key and click and drag ANYTHING, it will not move the object but move a new copy of the object. A quick "Copy and Paste" type thing.

Create a sphere, then ctrl+drag it somewhere! Presto!

What was being mentioned was that while in "Edit Frame-Wheel Rotate" Mode, THis functionallity wasnt working as expected and now it does again!.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2333.46 In reply to 2333.45 

I think that what you are referring to is more the next point in the list "Enable grabbing---etc------"? (Which is LOVELY!)

I read the previous one, that I was referring to, "enabled making copies----" , as being a more universal "shortcut " that (also) applied in the wheel mode?

Dont' get old!

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2333.47 In reply to 2333.46 
Just to clarify.
I never knew that that Ctrl shortcut "copy" method applied in V1 (untill just now!)

It's not listed that I can find in any shortcut key list?

Is there another shortcut key list I should be aware of?


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 From:  BurrMan
2333.48 In reply to 2333.47 
Hey Brian,

Ctrl+Shift+Click the "Options Icon"! :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.49 In reply to 2333.47 
Hi Brian,

> I never knew that that Ctrl shortcut "copy" method
> applied in V1 (untill just now!)

Actually it looks like that particular thing may have been missing from the documentation! I will try to fix that up for the v2 docs when I get a chance to tune them up.

But using Ctrl to drop copies is actually also used in some other areas that are covered in the v1 documentation, like in the docs for the Transform/Rotate command, which says:

"You can check the "Make copies" button or hold down the Ctrl key when clicking the last point to drop rotated copies of the object."

It's also mentioned under Transform/Scale as well.

> Is there another shortcut key list I should be aware of?

This one is actually a mouse action + modifier key, which in MoI is categorized as a different type of action than a modifier key + keystroke, such as Ctrl+A for example.

Actions that are triggered by mouse actions do not show up in the Options / Shortcut keys list - that area only holds actions that are triggered fully by keystrokes and not mouse button clicking or dragging.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2333.50 In reply to 2333.49 
Lost me--is that a Llama? (Did I need to know?)

"This one is actually a mouse action + modifier key, which in MoI is categorized as a different type of action than a modifier key + keystroke, such as Ctrl+A for example.

Actions that are triggered by mouse actions do not show up in the Options / Shortcut keys list - that area only holds actions that are triggered fully by keystrokes and not mouse button clicking or draggingl "

In every other app that I can think of, all options are listed in the main Shortcuts printouts.
With MoI there seem to be a lot of different "actions/proceedures/working principles" that seem at odds somewhat with those I have encountered elsewhere. And, in those areas, somewhat contrary to the basic beautiful principles of MoI workings.

Anyway, thanks for the efforts.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.51 In reply to 2333.50 
Hi Brian,

> In every other app that I can think of, all options
> are listed in the main Shortcuts printouts.

In the future I can probably try to cook up a kind of "cheat sheet" like that to improve the documentation. Actually there is the start of one on the Wiki here:

But that will probably be something different than the Shortcut key editor which is under Options / Shortcut keys currently.

That particular Shortcut key editor is meant only for editing shortcut keys, it's not really a "printout" documentation page or a place to edit mouse actions. It's meant to be a place just to set up your own customized keystroke actions.

Maybe that is one possible area of confusion? I mean that it sounds like you are expecting the place in MoI where you can define your own custom shortcuts to instead be a documentation page?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.52 In reply to 2333.51 
Hi Brian, I have updated that wiki page (http://moi3d.com/wiki/Shortcut_Keys) to also list the ways that you can use modifier keys with the mouse as well.

So that's now got a list of all the default shortcuts that ship with MoI, and also which keys do what when used with the mouse.

So I guess that is the kind of printout page that you were looking for?

But note that if you have defined a bunch of custom shortcut keys that are unique to your particular copy of MoI then those will not be listed there. If you want a printout of those, it may be a good idea to keep track of the ones that you add in your own text file somewhere.

- Michael
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 From:  B-W-Design
WOW!! Amazing Speedup for export!! Unbelievable!


Ah, would be great to have ann print-option for the shortcut-table.
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 From:  BurrMan
2333.54 In reply to 2333.53 
Yes, That was Llama Mode! It's only fun to know... No Need.

MoI has its own path! It's not like other apps nor does it try to be. It's been stated, "if you want other apps, go use other apps!". MoI is blazing a new trail. Thats why people that have been using $70,000+ modeling apps are using MoI and loving it. It IS different.

It is what has stagnated the modeling software industry for so long. The idea that "I want/need it to do what my other app does" makes all apps the same....No innovation!
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 From:  Jojo (STRAWBALE)
Hi all,

I would like to help with the testing but I cant yet as I havnt bought a license yet :(

However I have a question regarding getting the most out of my computers power if anyone can please help.

I have an Intel Q6600 duel quad with 3 gigs of ram and running on Vista Home 32bit.

Does running on vista 32 mean Im notting getting the most out of my processor and ram and how will this effect working with MOI, should I upgrade to Vista 64 or windows 7 when it arrives?

EDITED: 22 Jan 2009 by STRAWBALE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.56 In reply to 2333.53 
Hi B-W-Design,

> WOW!! Amazing Speedup for export!! Unbelievable!
> Thanks!!

You're welcome, I'm glad that it is working well for you!

> Ah, would be great to have ann print-option for
> the shortcut-table.

The shortcuts are stored in the moi.ini file, which is just a text file so you can open it up and print it with any text editor.

The moi.ini file is located here (on XP, it is slightly different on Vista):
C:\Documents and Settings\ [your login name] \Application Data\Moi\moi.ini

Just open that file up in something like Notepad, and you can print it from there.

That file contains all your customized settings, if you only want to print just the shortcut keys, those are in a [Shortcut Keys] section, so you can edit out everything except for that section if you want a more compact printout.

That should work for getting a printout currently, please let me know if you have any problems!

I would like to improve the shortcut key editor in MoI in the future, but it tends to be a less frequently used area of the program. I mean that you only really go there to set up a shortcut key and it is not something that you normally need to do very frequently. So that tends to make it hard to prioritize development time in that area currently, since my time is limited I kind of need to place a higher priority on areas of the software that are used more frequently.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.57 In reply to 2333.55 
Hi Jojo,

> Does running on vista 32 mean Im notting getting the most
> out of my processor and ram and how will this effect working
> with MOI, should I upgrade to Vista 64 or windows 7 when
> it arrives?

Unless you are going to make very heavily detailed objects, you should be just fine with your current setup.

But if you are going to do something with a heavy amount of detail, then there is a setting that you will need to adjust in Windows in order for MoI to be able to see all your 3 GB of RAM.

The way 32-bit windows is set up by default, for every 32-bit program that is running, there is 2GB of address space set up for the program's use, and 2GB of address space that is reserved for the operating system's use for various hardware interfaces, file buffers, etc...

So with the default setup a regular program like MoI will not have your full 3GB visible to it, it only has 2GB visible to it. However 2GB is a pretty large amount of memory anyway so unless you are doing very heavily detailed stuff it is probably going to be fine just like that.

But there is an option where you can set up Windows so that it gives 3GB to programs and only reserves 1GB for the system. If you were to set that option then it would let MoI use all your 3GB of memory.

On XP this was called the /3GB switch, which you set in the boot.ini file:

In Vista there is no longer a boot.ini file, instead you use a utility called BCDEdit to set a boot option for it, some details here:

If you do use 64-bit windows instead of 32-bit windows then there is no need to set any switches, 64-bit windows is set up to make a full 4GB of address space available to programs like MoI without needing any special settings.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2333.58 In reply to 2333.57 
Thanks for that earlier post. The subsequent ones by all are also great learning.

Just to clarify my thoughts---well, I hope!

I would envisage the average user not ever being involved with "scripts".
I would envisage all (note all) the scrips to be included in MoI as standard, with updates, or available (for the group of scripts) as an .exe file download.

I would envisage
1. RMB>Options Icon to provide a column of all the "Plugins" icons. This column would be narrow and movable/rotateable(Plugins selected by clicking the individual icon not keystroke?)
2. (say) MMB>Options Icon would provide a list of all short cuts.
Categorised?, including all Mouse actions, keyboard actions, or combinations of same.
All of the "scripts" would be listed, in plain english use titles, but left open for user allocation of key strokes.

Why will my brain not stop thinking?

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 From:  PaQ
2333.59 In reply to 2333.58 

On xp64, with 8 gig's, MoI stop meshing when reaching 3.3 ~ 3.4 mega ... just for info.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2333.60 In reply to 2333.58 
Hi Brian, some good ideas there!

Unfortunately it is not necessarily an easy task for me to implement these ideas.

Just to be clear - it would take me many hours and probably even weeks worth of work to make the things that you want to happen here.

I'm not sure if you think that I can just push a button or something and make MoI work like this?

Unfortunately it doesn't really work like that at all, I have to pretty painstakingly write a lot of custom computer code to add and test functions to do these things.

It is hard to prioritize spending weeks of work on this particular area, since it only seems to cause problems for a very small number of people. The current system is kind of primitive but it is effective and basically it is something that you just go in and set up once and you're done, it is not an area of the software that people are using on a frequent basis. (the shortcut key editor I mean).

So it is not a very good trade-off currently to apply my limited amount of development time to this area rather than a more frequently used area.

I don't have super-human abilities, so it is not generally possible for me to work on many different areas all at the exact same time. So that means that the time I would spend working on this area would require me to not spend time on other more frequently used areas.

That's not a good payoff.

Because my time is limited, it can really be more effective if I try to apply my time towards areas that benefit more frequently used areas of the software, rather than rarely used areas.

I hope that explains the situation more clearly!

It is because of these reasons I have explained here that I do not expect to have major overhauls of this particular area of MoI anytime soon.

> I would envisage all (note all) the scrips to be included
> in MoI as standard, <...>

Scripts are something that I generate sort of "on the fly" on an as-needed basis to help people do some particular task that they are asking about.

Like I've mentioned previously, I don't have psychic abilities, so it is not generally possible for me to foretell every single script that will be requested, which is basically what would be required for me to put them all into the software all in advance.

I'm kind of surprised that you get so frustrated when I post scripts to help people do a particular task. To me that seems like helping someone out with a bit of a custom logic specific to their particular needs. I guess from what you have said you would rather that I not help people out with their specific individual problems?

At any rate, I have now added some more information to the wiki page here:
which now contains all the information on mouse modifier keys as well, like what Ctrl+drag does, etc...

So that contains all the information about the default keyboard use that I know about, does that fulfill the need that you had about having a documentation page that covered keyboard shortcuts?

- Michael
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