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 From:  Anis
2306.10 In reply to 2306.9 
Hi Val & All...

Is carrara have a "mating" feature like what SWX already have like in those video ?
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 From:  Grendel
2306.11 In reply to 2306.10 
No Carrara does not. Carrara does not recognize work planes or edges/faces for mating. It does have constraints for motion types like slider, single axis and such bot you would have to place the item manually and then constrain it's motion.
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 From:  Anis
2306.12 In reply to 2306.11 
So Motion in SWX is better in this situation ?

Edit : Michael, Have you ever work on a project like this ?

EDITED: 8 Jan 2009 by ANIS

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 From:  Val (GAT)
Yeah, Carrara is just a polygon and a bit of Splines application, its mostly for 3D graphics, and animations via rigging. SW and Carrara are not backward compatible.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2306.14 In reply to 2306.13 
I suggest it is pretty hard to find a good, genuine, value for money, comprehensive all round. easy to learn/use 3D app that, for most average users, can be improved on than that of Carrara ,(Pro especially!)

It makes an ideal companion to MoI.


EDITED: 8 Jan 2009 by BWTR

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