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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
2284.11 In reply to 2284.10 
Hi Michael ...

Thanks for responding. I am excited about your progress with MoI. I can only imagine the amount of work it must take.

I am looking forward to object properties but am content to wait until that's ready.

Thanks for all your work and your patient and thorough help to all of us.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2284.12 In reply to 2284.11 

I started with a circle (which would be a sphere) and just let the mind run free on this preliminary sketch idea.
What great fun as the mind works!

The practical side of getting all the threading/exploded views of parts--wow--have I got some work ahead of me to refine.

PS the practicality of the idea is irrelevant!


Having all the sections Draw/Draw Solid etc open all at the one time at the right ( and with my Brian foot layout!) really, really is a high priority I suggest.
Hope it can be prioritised. I mumble/grumble here all the time!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.13 In reply to 2284.12 
Hi Brian,

> Having all the sections Draw/Draw Solid etc open all at
> the one time at the right ( and with my Brian foot layout!)
> really, really is a high priority I suggest.

Actually the main priority during initial UI development was pretty much the complete reverse of that - to have a UI design that did not cause all things to be open simultaneously, since that tends to cause a lot of scalability problems.

By scalability I mean that there would not then be a natural way to add additional palettes in the future without having a big impact on the main UI.

In the future I would like to tune this up by having a kind of drag/drop UI arrangement type system, but unfortunately that will take quite a large amount of work to make that happen.

Because it will take a large amount of work to accomplish it, that unfortunately makes it very difficult to place it at a high priority, it would currently displace too many other much more frequently requested things.

That will probably be more like a v3 or even v4 type thing.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2284.14 In reply to 2284.13 

You make me cry into my glass of Coopers! (V4---STRUTH!)--it's after noon--think I need to drown my sorrows with another stubby!

I think yours is a perspective from people who live on the upsidedown world from here---whereas , here, the day starts hours a head of you lot!

Ohhh!----the frustration!


Where are those tissues?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.15 In reply to 2284.14 
Hi Brian, I know it's tough, sorry! ;)

The tricky part is that there are other priorities for the UI as well, for example to work well on many different resolution screens (not only just Brian's screen), and to be able to function well without forcing the need to scroll the UI up or down.

Having a panel where you sometimes need to do one click on a tab to activate a different palette is a whole lot better workflow than trying to scroll a big UI container up and down to find the right UI.

If MoI was designed to only run on just your monitor's resolution and not on any others, then it would be easier for me to have done some different things with the design and probably I would have separated things out by default (at least somewhat) more like you are talking about.

But I'm sorry - it is important for MoI to work well on a broader range of monitors, not only focused just on yours only! :)

The other thing you can do is edit the UI definition files - these are HTML files that are inside the \ui subfolder under MoI's main installation folder. These files control all the UI so if you edit them you can change the UI. If you really can't wait until v3 or v4 then that is an alternate way to get what you want right now.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2284.16 In reply to 2284.15 
Maybe a survey of people who might, nowadays, use MoI on, less than , 17in Monitors?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.17 In reply to 2284.16 
Hi Brian,

> Maybe a survey of people who might, nowadays, use MoI on, less than , 17in Monitors?

I guess that would include nearly all laptop users?

It's pretty hard to get accurate information in a survey. To get accurate information I would probably need to do something like build a reporting mechanism into MoI so it could automatically send data about machine configuration back to me, but a lot of people seem to not like having those kinds of reporting mechanisms in their software though.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2284.18 In reply to 2284.17 
People who use MoI on less than a 15inch screens then?

The problem is, only, in modifying, very slightly, the size of the icons!--refer back to the earlier example I produced where it was done (roughly)


When you are convinced --make your point--I was taught that--also!
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 From:  Jojo (STRAWBALE)
2284.19 In reply to 2284.17 
"Having a panel where you sometimes need to do one click on a tab to activate a different palette is a whole lot better workflow than trying to scroll a big UI container up and down to find the right UI."

I would agree with this, its frustrating for me with other applications to have to scroll up and down palettes to see what is in them, seems kind of self defeating and disorientates the palette space.

The answer is to make a work space that is customizable, Sketchup is a very very good example of this, but I would agree that other things should have a higher priority, groups and layers for example!

I have the impression that you dont want to use right click menus but I think they will be almost essential to keep the organisation of palettes simple, no?

my demo runs out in a few days but I will be buying a copy very soon.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.20 In reply to 2284.18 
Hi Brian,

> People who use MoI on less than a 15inch screens then?

Again, many laptops have smaller than 15 inch screens.

For example just a very quick survey of new DELL laptops here - I count 5 out of 11 models on that page have a screen of less than 15 inches in size.

Actually smaller sized laptops are currently one of the most popular types.

re: Icon size - you can actually change the size of the icons without tweaking the UI files, for that go to Options / General and use the UI size slider to scale the UI to your preference.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.21 In reply to 2284.19 
Hi Paul,

> The answer is to make a work space that is customizable,
> Sketchup is a very very good example of this, but I would
> agree that other things should have a higher priority, groups
> and layers for example!

Yeah easier customization would definitely help with that.

But it tends to be a difficult area to implement especially when the UI is different than the kind of "standard toolbar UI".

Early on in MoI's development I had to make a decision whether to spend a lot of time working on UI drag/drop type customization, or instead to work on developing just a single UI that was as good as I could make it, and I chose the latter. I would definitely make the same decision again. If I had forever to develop it, it would have been possible to do both, but my time is limited so I have to be careful which big projects I undertake. Now that the UI is really well defined it will probably help to make it more feasible to do a more targeted type of customization than it would have been trying to focus on customization earlier in MoI's lifetime.

Customization actually tends to be an area used by a fairly smallish number of users. For example in Microsoft Office, after gathering a substantial amount of data on how people use Office, they found out that less than 2% of Office sessions ran with any kind of customized UI:
That's one reason that made it possible for them to shift to a much different UI model in Office 2007 which actually has a lot in common with MoI, including actually losing a lot of customization type functions.

> I have the impression that you dont want to use right
> click menus but I think they will be almost essential to
> keep the organisation of palettes simple, no?

I think that I will be adding some right-clicks in some strategic areas for advanced commands. But it tends to make things pretty hidden so I try to avoid it a lot for basic functions.

In the future as I add more functions the plan is to mainly add new palettes, but that will be collapsed by default. To see what this will look like you can actually collapse a palette currently by clicking on its tab again after it is already active.

So there will be tabs like "Render", "Dim", "Analyze", etc... below the current palettes but with them being collapsed by default they won't add hardly any complexity to the top level UI.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2284.22 In reply to 2284.20 
"re: Icon size - you can actually change the size of the icons without tweaking the UI files, for that go to Options / General and use the UI size slider to scale the UI to your preference."

I did not know that one was there! WOW!

And you say that having those parts separated so that they can be open at the same time-- is "difficult"?

Maybe I am missing something. (Running around in circles?)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.23 In reply to 2284.22 
Hi Brian,

> And you say that having those parts separated so that
> they can be open at the same time-- is "difficult"?

Yes - because separating them would cause problems for people on smaller screens, the separated UI would be larger than their screen and force a scroll bar to appear.

Sorry I wasn't clear - the hard part is not just doing it, the hard part would be avoiding the bad consequences and negative side effects from doing it.

So to do it properly would really need a kind of customization mechanism, like making it so you could grab a tab and drag it around to place it where you wanted.

Then there would be a default setup the same as the current one that worked well across many different sized screens, but if someone had a larger screen like you do, then they could more easily change the UI to suit it.

But that will require a lot of work to make that kind of system, I don't think that I will be able to get to that anytime too soon.

- Michael


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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2284.24 In reply to 2284.23 
Sorry Michael

Is this, really, too hard an add on option, using that other option you just gave
me before--- thats in the app?

No need to reply.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.25 In reply to 2284.24 
Hi Brian,

> Is this, really, too hard an add on option, using that
> other option you just gave me before--- thats in the app?

You mention "using that other option you just gave me before" - are you talking about the UI size option here? What you show there is something totally different than changing the size of things, so no those are not really connected in any fashion.

What you show there a big re-organization of the UI, things belonging to different groups and sections, etc... - that kind of major re-organization is not particularly easy to do with a checkbox type option if that is what you were asking about?

Once V2 is complete probably someone will cook up a customized UI with that kind of thing in it, just like is available for v1 already. But it is pretty hard to do that currently with v2 when other changes are happening for each beta release.

If you want to change the current beta, it is actually possible to set it up the way you show there if you edit the UI files under the \ui subfolder inside of MoI's main installation folder. Look for the sidepane.htm file, when you open that up in notepad, you will see various tags such as <moi:PaletteBody> <moi:CommandButton> , etc... - if you re-arrange the structure of these in that file it will also re-arrang the structure of the UI, I mean the UI comes directly from that file.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2284.26 In reply to 2284.25 
Ok Michael.

That latter part is all double dutch to me.
Scripting stuff--if thats what it is---is not in the realm of the majority of 3D users to whom I promote MoI I would think either.

Why, with all the apps I have and use, would I need to learn this---all of a sudden?

Another world!
Sorry, don't waste your time.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2284.27 In reply to 2284.26 
Hi Brian,

> Why, with all the apps I have and use, would
> I need to learn this---all of a sudden?

Well, you wanted this to be a really high priority - if it is that big of a priority to you that is the way that you could make it happen right now.

Otherwise maybe after v2 is complete someone will do a different UI pack for it.

I wish I had enough time to make all features that everyone wants all be at the same priority and all happen at the same time, but I'm sorry I just have not been able to make that happen.

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
Very cool model
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 From:  Jason (JCLARK)
2284.29 In reply to 2284.6 

On behalf of Grendel, I can answer since I too work in the field.

Generally, bare stainless to ocean will be 316, 17-4, or 2205 duplex. Differences in grades particularly with 17-4 and duplex, and usually with 316 you would find 316L because the L designates a low carbon content for improved weldability. However reduced carbon can reduce strength but increase ductility/charpy characteristics.
- Jason
http://www.jasedesign.com http://www.nurbsandpolys.com http://www.cgpipeline.com
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 From:  Grendel
2284.30 In reply to 2284.29 
Thanks Jason for the help, missed that. Answered part of the question but not the other ;P)
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