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 From:  Michael Gibson
2282.2 In reply to 2282.1 
Hi Daedalus,

> When I export this to render softwares I see sharp edges.
> Do you know How to smooth this ??

Typically you use the Fillet command to replace sharp edges with a rounded area.

But that places a small localized smooth surface in - for something like you are showing where it looks like you want to have a kind of continuous smooth broad area, it is usually better to do those kinds of things by building one larger surface for the smooth area, rather than building a number of small patches.

Also another big thing, is to not worry so much about building surfaces directly to the final 3D edge initially. I mean that to get a smooth larger surface you often will need to do that by creating a larger extended surface and then using Trim or Boolean commands to cut it to form the final edges. This is one of the major differences between NURBS modeling strategies and polygon modeling strategies.

So for example in this case that would mean building something like this for the base shape:

Notice how there I have temporarily ignored the cutout area and instead focused on one larger extended surface.

Then you draw a profile for the cut-out area:

Extrude it into a surface:

And now those surfaces can be trimmed with one another with the Edit/Trim command to produce the final shapes:

It is a lot easier to make a broad smooth surface by doing it actually as one surface instead of as a patchwork.

Anything that looks like it is a cutout, usually those are better to do in NURBS as actual cut-outs by Trims or Booleans, rather than kind of trying to construct surfaces "around the hole" instead which is what you would do for a polygon modeling system.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2282.3 In reply to 2282.1 
Hi Daedalus,

You can study the papermodels on this
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2282.4 In reply to 2282.3 
I just played around with the idea for fun.
(Not really knowing what I was doing!)

Here is how it looked in MoI and a render, in Carrara, of the .obj file saved from MoI.


EDITED: 30 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2282.5 In reply to 2282.4 
I think this is a better/smoother effort than the last?
All good learning.

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 From:  BurrMan
2282.6 In reply to 2282.1 
Working on a GSXR?
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 From:  karter
2282.7 In reply to 2282.1 

As Michael explained, trying to do it as one surface will definitely increase your chance of a smoother shape. However,
this could well be fixed up if we had surface matching in time eh ?

Posting some geometry from your file is a better way for people to try and help you find an alternative solution.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
2282.8 In reply to 2282.7 
Hi Paul,

> However, this could well be fixed up if we had surface matching
> in time eh ?

In several cases that would definitely help, but it isn't really a "silver bullet" solution - that tool basically does not do a full redistribution of curvature throughout the entire surface, it only tweaks the end of the surface.

If the surface you want to change is not shaped well already, you tend to end up with something that is technically smooth with the other right where they meet, but that still has stuff like bulges and bunched up curvature near the end.

Even when such a tool is available in the future, I would still at that time probably recommend the exact same procedure as now - that is to try and build something that should look like one smooth unbroken sheet to be one larger surface rather than a patchwork of many small surfaces.

A patchwork type approach can tend to work better with a subd / t-splines type mechanism where there is a kind of "always on" smoothing happening between connected polygons.

- Michael
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2282.9 In reply to 2282.1 
Hi Daedalus,

If you are still out there,i have tried
this 3dm file for you



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