Cplane problem/request
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2270.10 In reply to 2270.9 
Hi Kevin - the tricky part is that you can't always draw on a single plane from every angled view.... Specifically if you've got a view that is looking exactly at the edge of a plane.

Here's an example to clarify:

In that example I've set up a plane which can be drawn on in the Top view, however if the Front and Right views used the grid in exactly the same 3D orientation as that plane, you can see that they are looking directly at the edge of it and cannot draw on it.

If I were to place the exact same cplane as the grid on every single view and not modify the view, it would end up with the grids on the Front and Right views all collapsed down to a line same as you see for this regular plane object....

That's kind of the situation that I'd like to avoid.

So I've got to try and figure out what should happen to the Front and Right views when this kind of mode is activated.

Are you saying that it doesn't bother you to have those other views become edge-on degenerate views when you would set this "don't change ortho views" type mode?

The part that works well right now is that not only do the views change to be relative, but also each ortho view gets a different oriented drawing plane so for example the Front view gets a grid that uses the X and Z axes of the primary construction plane, not the X and Y axes that the Top view uses. If there was no connection between the view orientations and the cplane as you want to have an option for, I'm not sure that doing that kind of axis flipping for each view's local grid would make sense to do...

- Michael

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 From:  kevjon
2270.11 In reply to 2270.10 
>Are you saying that it doesn't bother you to have those other views
>become edge-on degenerate views when you would set this "don't change ortho views" type mode?


The edge on views become useful reference when you extrude the object you have drawn on the cplane.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2270.12 In reply to 2270.11 
Hi Kevin,

> The edge on views become useful reference when you extrude
> the object you have drawn on the cplane.

Yeah they can be useful for viewing results, but you won't be able to draw things with the mouse in them when they are looking edge-on at their grid.

What if I switched those views that would get an edge-on grid to have their regular default planes instead of the edge-on one? Would that cause any problems for the kind of use that you are talking about?

- Michael
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 From:  kevjon
2270.13 In reply to 2270.12 
>What if I switched those views that would get an edge-on grid to have their
>regular default planes instead of the edge-on one?
>Would that cause any problems for the kind of use that you are talking about?

Nah, that would be alright.

The main requirement I'm talking about is the ability to draw on the cplane without affecting the orientation of the blueprints underneath.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2270.14 In reply to 2270.13 
Hi Kevin, I'll see if I can set that up...

Does another checkbox that says: "Orient ortho views" make sense?

It would show up if "Apply to all views" was checked. Default will be for it to be checked which would give the same as current behavior (where the ortho views move to be looking relative to the new cplane) - if you uncheck it then the ortho views would stay oriented in world to get the type of thing that you want here.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2270.15 In reply to 2270.13 
Hi Michael,

Could you add a "Project to Cplane" option?. The views could be to user Cplane, but curves drawn in the ortho views projected to the relative world planes.

- Steve
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 From:  kevjon
2270.16 In reply to 2270.14 

>Does another checkbox that says: "Orient ortho views" make sense?

Yep, I think users will understand this.

>The views could be to user Cplane, but curves drawn in the ortho views projected to the relative world planes.
Thats how it currently works ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2270.17 In reply to 2270.15 
Hi Steve - sorry I'm not following that, could you describe it a bit more?

Maybe what you are talking about would be if the 2 checkboxes were always visible (instead of the second one disappearing when you unchecked the first one), and you disabled "Apply to all views" (so the grids in ortho views stayed as their default world planes), but enabled "Orient ortho views" so that the view directions do shift to be relative to the custom cplane?

If you could describe a bit about the scenario where that would help out, that might help me understand it better.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
2270.18 In reply to 2270.17 
Hi Michael,

I was thinking of the "ProjectOsnap" in Rhino, but a little more simplified. As example. A drawing can be set up on a custom Cplane with "apply to all views", with an option to "project", then, rather than the curves being drawn on the user Cplane, they are projected to the world plane.

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2270.19 In reply to 2270.18 
Hi Steve,

> then, rather than the curves being drawn on the user
> Cplane, they are projected to the world plane.

I'm not sure which world plane they would project on to?

A user cplane is not restricted to be similar to the original world plane - they can easily be flipped around in some totally different direction. For example it would be possible for a relocated "Top" view to be looking down right at the edge of the normal "World Top" plane.

So it's not really clear to me how that would work...

The other part is that you seem to be talking about curves being projected - would that mean that a circle that was being drawn would instead project to an ellipse as the end result? If so then that is not something that can easily be set up by just changing how points are picked, the circle command for example only currently knows how to construct a circle, not an ellipse. So that would probably require changes to every command, making it a rather difficult amount of work I'm afraid.

- Michael
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 From:  kevjon
2270.20 In reply to 2270.18 

Couldn't you place a rectangular surface or similar object on the world plane as a temporary object. Draw you objects/curves on the cplane and then use the project curve tool ?
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