Need Advice to make network more smooth
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2264.16 In reply to 2264.14 
Hi Anis,

This is funny how you came across this problem because it's related to your other post about seam edges, here's a small tip that I found works for me, MoI's fillets aren't as refined as some other packages, I think it's a female command it's a bit fussy ;) so what I found was, when there are a number of seams in line try and get one of the seams 90deg around then the fillet should work, failing that go with Michaels method.

BTW I wouldn't have pick this one up if the seams weren't showing ;)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2264.17 In reply to 2264.15 
> One of the surface/surface fillets would not generate,
> I'm not sure what was wrong there I'll see if I can
> take a quick look.

This turned out to be a problem with clicking too close to where the 2 surfaces touch when doing surface/surface filleting.

The pick points have an effect in surface/surface filleting - they are used to choose which way to offset the surfaces. For example if you have 2 planes that cross each in an X type shape then there are 4 possible fillets between them and the pick points determine which one of those to generate.

But if the surfaces are curved and you pick right near their common edge, it can get confused about the directions. But if you pick a little distance away from the common edge for surface/surface filleting, then it is generated ok in this case on all 4 areas.

Maybe in the future I can fix this up so that surfaces that share a common edge will take that into account and do a better job of this. But basically if you pick just a little bit to the outside of where the actual fillet will be going it will work now.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2264.18 In reply to 2264.17 
Hi Michael....

I have tried to pick a little bit outside the fillet area, but cant figure it out. Maybe you can give me step by step instruction ? Attached is the original model before trim and fillet.

Hi Danny,

Your tips so powerful. Previously I though that the seam edge is ok, because its collinier with the "half body line".
Would you like to explain about this seam edge behaviour Michael....


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2264.19 In reply to 2264.18 
Hi Anis - the main thing is that you need to use Edit/Separate to break the model into individual surfaces first, before you can perform surface/surface style filleting.

Otherwise if you select faces that are part of a larger joined object, it will try to do edge filleting of the edges that belong to those faces instead of surface/surface filleting.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2264.20 In reply to 2264.19 
Hi Michael....

EDITED: 19 Jun 2010 by ANIS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2264.21 In reply to 2264.20 
Hi Anis - you're clicking there very close to the shared edge between them - that's the area that you have to be further away from.

Try to pick the surfaces further away from that spot, don't do it while you are zoomed in closely or else you will run into the problem.

For example, try picking more in the area of these red dots instead:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2264.22 In reply to 2264.21 
Also, it kind of looks like you may not have separated the bottom piece into individual surfaces - you need to select that and use Edit/Separate on it so that it is broken up into the 2 half surfaces as individual objects. Then the surface/surface fillet will work.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2264.23 In reply to 2264.22 
Also one other note - if you have a few faces selected out of an object instead of the whole object, when you do Separate there, it will break the selected faces off from the main object but still have them connected between themselves. That allows for kind of extracting a sub-assembly without having to re-join it.

If you want to break a face sub-selection like that into individual surfaces, hit separate a second time which will then break it into individual surfaces.

If you have a "whole object" selected, it will break down into individual surfaces when you do separate. If you have a face sub-selection then will do the "extract face sub-assembly" type thing.

You may have run into this - if you had a face sub-selection and did separate you did not quite get things down into individual surfaces at that point yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2264.24 In reply to 2264.21 
Hi Michael....

I have tried that. But still cant get a result. No problem, I will use Danny tips that looks working fine.

Thanks Sir.... ;)
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